Treatment for skin cancer should be indicated by the oncologist or dermatologist and should be started as soon as possible to increase the chances of a cure. Thus, it is recommended to always be aware of changes in the skin, which may indicate the appearance of cancer.
Depending on the characteristics of the lesion, the type of cancer, the size and general condition of the person, different types of treatment may be recommended:
1. Melanoma cancer
Skin cancer of the melanoma type is characterized by the presence of one or more dark spots on the skin that grow over time and have their shape changed. To treat this type of malignant cancer, it is almost always necessary to undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy after surgery, as this type of cancer has a high rate of growth and can quickly affect other organs.
The initial treatment of melanoma is done by surgically removing the cancerous lesion and then chemotherapy or radiotherapy can be performed, according to the doctor's recommendation. In chemotherapy, drugs are applied directly to the vein in order to eliminate cancer cells that were not removed during surgery. In the case of radiotherapy, X-rays are applied directly to the skin to eliminate the remaining tumor cells.
Another treatment option for melanoma skin cancer that may be indicated by the doctor is the use of medications, such as Vemurafenib, Nivolumab or Ipilimumab, which help to strengthen the immune system so that it is able to eliminate more cancer cells.
Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer and, therefore, it is not always possible to achieve a cure, especially when the tumor is identified at a very advanced stage. However, when identified in the early stages, treatment can be quite effective. Even if a cure is not achieved, treatment is sufficient to decrease symptoms and increase patients' life expectancy.
2. Non-melanoma cancer
Skin cancer of the non-melanoma type can be characterized as a small sore or nodule on the skin, reddish or pink in color, which grows quickly and forms a skin, and may be accompanied by the release of secretion and itching. The main most frequent and less severe non-melanoma skin cancers are the basal and squamous cells, which are easier to be cured.
The treatment for this type of cancer is, in most cases, only with surgery that, depending on the person's general condition, stage of cancer identification and type, the doctor can indicate:
- Mohs micrographic surgery: it is used especially for skin cancer on the face, as it is done to remove thin layers of skin until all cancer cells are removed. This way it is possible to avoid removing a lot of healthy tissue and leaving very deep scars; Surgery for simple removal: it is the most used type of surgery, in which all the injury caused by cancer and some of the healthy tissue around it is removed; Electro-curettage: the tumor is removed and then a small electric current is applied to stop the bleeding and eliminate some cancer cells that may have remained on the skin; Cryosurgery: it is used in cases of carcinoma in situ, in which the lesion is well defined, being possible to freeze it until it eliminates all malignant cells.
However, in cases where the cancer is at a very advanced stage, it may still be necessary to undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy for a few weeks to eliminate the remaining cancer cells that were not removed in the surgery.
Signs of improvement and worsening
The decrease in lesions and the absence of new lesions are indicative that the treatment was effective, being, therefore, a sign of improvement in cancer, being more common in cases in which the cancer is identified and treated in the initial phase. Know how to identify the signs of skin cancer.
On the other hand, when treatment is not started in time or is at a very advanced stage, signs of worsening appear more easily, with the possibility of new skin lesions, pain at the site of the lesions and excessive tiredness, for example..