Home Symptoms Furuncle: symptoms and how to treat

Furuncle: symptoms and how to treat


The furuncle corresponds to a yellowish lump that forms due to infection at the root of the hair and, therefore, it is more common to appear on the neck, armpits, scalp, chest, buttocks, face and belly.

It usually disappears after a few days just by applying warm water compresses to the area to help remove the pus. However, if the boil does not heal in two weeks, it is recommended to consult the dermatologist to prescribe ointments or even remove the pus surgically, if necessary.

However, to know if it really is a boil and not just a pimple, besides the yellowish lump with redness around it, it is important to realize, if:

  1. 1. Increases in size over time Yes No
  2. 2. In addition to the pain, there is heat and itching in the area Yes No
  3. 3. Doesn't get better in 1 week Yes No
  4. 4. It is accompanied by low fever (37.5º C to 38ºC) Yes No
  5. 5. There is discomfort Yes No

What to pass on the boil

The treatment for the boil consists of washing the area every day with soap and water or with an antiseptic soap, preferably indicated by the dermatologist, and applying warm compresses to the area, which help to remove the pus, waiting for it to disappear. alone.

However, when there is no improvement, the dermatologist should be consulted to start using antibiotic ointments such as Ictiol, Furacin, Nebacetin or Trok G. In cases where the furuncle appears repeatedly, the doctor may indicate the use of another ointment, known as Mupirocina, which prevents the appearance of this type of infection. See all ointments that can be used in case of boils.

It is not recommended to try to squeeze or pop the boil, as it can aggravate the infection and spread it to other areas of the skin.

Furuncle is contagious

The furuncle catches itself, as the bacteria can be transmitted through contact with pus or through the air, and can settle in the nostrils. Therefore, it is very important that people living in the same house apply an antibiotic cream prescribed by a dermatologist to their nose, several times a day.

In addition, the person with a boil should adopt some hygiene precautions, such as washing their hands after handling the boil or not sharing handkerchiefs, sheets, clothing or towels, for example.

However, the boil can also appear alone, without having to be in contact with someone who has this problem.

How to prevent it from reappearing

The prevention of another boil can be done through the adoption of hygiene care, such as:

  • Wash your hands after handling the boil; Do not share clothes, handkerchiefs, sheets or towels; Wash clothes, towels, sheets and all materials that come in contact with the skin area with the boil with boiling water; Wash with water and soap the boil after it pops by itself; exchange the compresses and put them in a proper garbage.

In addition, people living with the patient should put an antibiotic cream indicated by the dermatologist on the nose several times a day, as the bacteria that causes the boil is transmitted through the air and can stick to the nostrils.

How home treatment is done

The home treatment for the furuncle aims to alleviate the symptoms, being usually done with substances that have antiseptic properties, being, therefore, able to help in the fight against infection. A great home treatment option for furuncle is the lemon compress, as the lemon, besides being rich in vitamin C and strengthening the immune system, is antiseptic, helping to fight the bacteria that causes the infection.

In addition, it is important to have a natural diet and avoid consumption of fatty foods. Discover 4 home remedies for furuncle.

Furuncle: symptoms and how to treat