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Baby developments with down syndrome


The psychomotor development of the baby with Down syndrome is slower than babies of the same age but with the proper early stimulation, which can start as early as the first month of life, these babies may be able to sit, crawl, walk and talk, but if they are not encouraged to do so, these developmental milestones will happen even later.

While a baby who does not have Down Syndrome is able to sit unsupported and remain seated for more than 1 minute, around 6 months of age, the baby with Down syndrome properly stimulated may be able to sit - without support at around 7 or 8 months, while babies with Down syndrome who are not stimulated will be able to sit at around 10 to 12 months of age.

When the baby will sit, crawl and walk

The baby with Down Syndrome has hypotonia, which is a weakness of all the muscles of the body, due to the immaturity of the central nervous system and therefore physiotherapy is very useful to encourage the baby to hold the head, sit, crawl, stand up. walk and walk.

On average, babies with Down Syndrome:

With Down syndrome and undergoing physical therapy Without Syndrome
Hold your head 7 months 3 months
Stay seated 10 months 5 to 7 months
Can roll alone 8 to 9 months 5 months
Start crawling 11 months 6 to 9 months
Can stand with little help 13 to 15 months 9 to 12 months
Good foot control 20 months 1 month after standing
Start walking 20 to 26 months 9 to 15 months
Start talking First words around 3 years Add 2 words in a sentence at 2 years

This table reflects the need for psychomotor stimulation for babies with Down syndrome and this type of treatment must be carried out by the physiotherapist and the psychomotor therapist, although the motor stimulation performed by the parents at home is equally beneficial and complements the stimulation that the baby with the syndrome has. Down needs daily.

When the child does not undergo physical therapy, this period can be much longer and the child can start walking only around 3 years of age, which can impair his interaction with other children of the same age.

Watch the following video and learn how the exercises are to help your baby develop faster:

Where to do physiotherapy for Down syndrome

There are several physiotherapy clinics suitable for the treatment of children with Dow Syndrome, but those with specialties for treatment through psychomotor stimulation and neurological disorders should be preferred.

Babies with Down syndrome from families with low financial resources can participate in the psychomotor stimulation programs of APAE, the Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional People spread across the country. In these institutions they will be stimulated by motor and manual work and will do the exercises that will help in their development.

Baby developments with down syndrome