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How to know if I'm healthy


To find out if you are in good health, it is important to consult your doctor regularly so that tests can be requested and performed to indicate how well you are doing, such as measuring blood pressure, blood sugar concentration and carrying out a blood test. urine.

When the tests are changed, it can be indicative of health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, heart failure or obesity, for example, and in these cases, it is important that the results are evaluated by the doctor so that the correct diagnosis can be made. and proper treatment started.

Thus, to find out if you are in good health, it is necessary to evaluate the following parameters:

1. Ideal weight

The BMI or Body Mass Index relates the person's weight and height and assesses whether they are within their ideal weight, below their ideal weight, overweight or obese, and it is also possible to assess the risk of developing some diseases. The best way to have a suitable BMI for height and weight is through regular physical activity and a healthy and balanced diet.

See if you are within the ideal weight, putting your data below:

2. Heart rate

Heart rate indicates whether the heart is functioning properly and is also a good indicator of a person's physical condition, with a normal heart rate ranging from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

The heart rate is high when the heart beats more than 100 times a minute, which can be caused by heart failure or hypertension and is low when there are less than 60 heart beats per minute. Learn how to measure your heart rate correctly.

3. Blood sugar

The assessment of the amount of sugar in the blood, called glycemia, is also a good indicator of the person's health status, because when it is elevated it can be indicative of diabetes, which is a chronic disease that can lead to serious complications when left untreated, such as blindness, diabetic foot or kidney problems, for example.

The blood glucose reference values ​​are:

  • Normal blood glucose: less than 110 mg / dl on an empty stomach and less than 200 mg / dl at any time of the day; Low blood glucose or hypoglycemia: less than 70 mg / dl at any time of the day; High blood glucose or hyperglycemia: between 110 and 125 mg / dl on an empty stomach; Diabetes: equal to or greater than 126 mg / dl on an empty stomach and equal to or greater than 200 mg / dl at any time of the day.

If your blood glucose is high, the person may have pre-diabetes or diabetes and should therefore make an appointment with an endocrinologist as soon as possible. See how to measure blood glucose.

4. Blood pressure

Blood pressure is a good indicator of health problems, because when the pressure is high it can indicate hypertension, kidney malfunction or heart failure, and when it is low it can indicate dehydration or hypoglycemia.

The normal blood pressure value is between 91 x 61 mmHg and 139 x 89 mmHg. Values ​​above or below normal values ​​should be evaluated by the doctor:

  • High blood pressure: greater than 140 x 90 mmHg; Low blood pressure: less than 90 x 60 mmHg.

Here's how to measure pressure correctly:

5. Waist and hip circumference

The waist-hip ratio allows to assess the amount of accumulated abdominal fat and the risk of developing diseases such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity and stroke, in addition to being able to inform the risk of the person suffering a heart attack.

Evaluating only the waist circumference, the ideal for women is up to 80 cm and for men up to 94 cm.

See if you are at risk of developing these diseases by entering your data below:

6. Urine test

The urine examination allows physical aspects to be evaluated, such as color, smell and appearance of the pee, as well as chemical and microscopic aspects, such as the presence of microorganisms and blood, for example. Thus, changes in the urine test may indicate kidney problems, urinary tract infection, dehydration and liver problems, for example. When the color and smell of the urine is changed you should see your doctor immediately.

Know what can change the color of urine.

7. Stool examination

The color, smell and consistency of feces are also good indicators of health status, as they may indicate feeding problems or other diseases such as constipation, gastric ulcers or hepatitis, for example.

Normal stools should be brownish, molded and not very strong in smell, so any changes in stools should be treated according to their cause. Find out what can change the color of the stool.

8. Eye exam

Vision is another parameter that must be evaluated, as some vision problems such as myopia, astigmatism or hyperopia can compromise vision and cause symptoms such as frequent headache, difficulty seeing or red eyes, for example.

In the eye exam the ophthalmologist usually asks the person to say all the letters he can see, the sight being considered normal when the person can say all or almost all. Understand how the eye exam is done.

9. Gynecological exams

Gynecological exams are important to help identify early changes in the woman's cervix, which can lead to the appearance of uterine cancer. The most common exam is the Pap smear which not only helps to detect cervical cancer, but also helps to identify gynecological inflammations, warts, changes in the cervix and sexually transmitted diseases.

How to know if I'm healthy