Infection by the geographic bug usually does not require treatment, and the parasite can be naturally eliminated from the body after about 5 to 6 weeks. However, due to the symptoms that normally appear, treatment with ointments or antiparasitic remedies, such as Tiabendazole or Albendazole, for example, which should be used for 7 to 10 days according to medical advice, may be recommended. In addition, during treatment it is also recommended to take other precautions, such as passing ice over the affected region daily.
The geographic bug corresponds to a parasite capable of entering the skin through wounds and cutting and causing Cutaneous Larva migrans Syndrome, whose symptoms are itching, redness, swelling of the region and a map-shaped lesion corresponding to the migration of the parasite by place. Learn how to identify the geographic bug.
Signs of improvement or worsening
The signs of improvement of the Geographic Bug are manifested through the decrease of the intensity of the symptoms, occurring a reduction of the itchiness, of the redness and the swelling in the skin. In addition, the sensation of movement under the skin, which is usually present, also decreases, as well as the damage to the skin in the form of a map due to the death of the larvae.
On the other hand, in some cases, signs of worsening may appear, where the itching and redness worsen and the lesion increases, being in these cases important to consult the doctor so that he can indicate the best treatment for the situation.
In addition, in more severe cases infections can arise, which are usually treated with the application of a topical antibiotic, which fights and eliminates the infection.
How to get Geographic beast
The geographic bug is present in the intestines of domestic animals, mainly cats and dogs, with the eggs being released in the feces. The larvae present inside the eggs are released into the environment and evolve to their infective stage, which can enter the skin and cause infection when:
- The person walks barefoot on the grass, beach sand or on the ground; Children walk barefoot or play with the sand in playgrounds; The person lies on the beach sand without a towel.
The main measure to be taken to avoid catching the geographic bug is to avoid contact with the sand or earth, which is why it is very important to use protections such as slippers, shoes or towels. In addition, the places that are most often affected are the feet, hands, legs, arms, forearms or buttocks. It is also important that animals are dewormed periodically to prevent the transmission of diseases to people.