Home Medicinal Plants How to use avocado leaves against worms

How to use avocado leaves against worms


The Avocado is the avocado tree, also known as Abocado, Palta, Bego or Avocado, which can be used as a medicinal plant to fight intestinal worms and treat skin problems, for example.

To use avocado leaves to fight intestinal worms, it is advisable to prepare a tea with the dry leaves of this tree and take it twice a day. For tea:

  • Place 25 g of dry leaves in 500 ml boiling water, allowing to stand for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink still warm.

The dried leaves of the avocado can be purchased at health food stores, drugstores and at some street markets and its scientific name is Persea americana Mill.

What is the avocado for

Avocado serves to help in the treatment of abscesses, liver problems, thrush, anemia, tonsillitis, urinary infections, bronchitis, tiredness, headache, diarrhea, dyspepsia, bellyache, stomatitis, stress, gas, gout, hepatitis, poor digestion, cough, tuberculosis, varicose veins and worms.

Avocado Properties

The properties of avocado include astringent, aphrodisiac, antianemic, antidiarrheal, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antioxidant, healing, depurative, digestive, diuretic, emollient, stoma, rejuvenating, hair tonic and deworming.

Avocado side effects

No avocado side effects were found.

Avocado contraindications

Avocado's contraindications are not described.

How to use avocado leaves against worms