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5 Steps to Properly Vomit


Vomiting is a natural reflex of the organism to eliminate spoiled food or toxic substances that may be in the stomach and, therefore, when it is really necessary, the body automatically causes vomiting. Thus, vomiting should only be induced when there is a recommendation from the doctor or when eating something that is causing a very bad feeling, which has not improved otherwise.

In situations where someone has ingested a poisonous substance or some type of irritating liquid, such as cleaning products, the ideal is not to induce vomiting, as this liquid will have to pass through the throat again, which may cause more damage. Ideally, in these situations, go immediately to the hospital to start the most appropriate treatment. Here's what to do when someone drank poison or cleaning products.

5 steps to properly induce vomiting

To properly induce vomiting and avoid a lot of discomfort or serious complications, you must:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly

Washing your hands is always very important, as it prevents the transmission of bacteria and other microorganisms to the throat, preventing the onset of infections such as tonsillitis, for example.

2. Kneel in front of the vase

Kneeling in front of the toilet is one of the most comfortable and safe positions to vomit, however, one should avoid putting too much pressure on the belly, as it can cause even more discomfort.

3. Put your finger to your throat

At the beginning of the throat there is a point that can be tightened to produce the urge to vomit. To do this, place your finger inside your mouth and then apply light pressure to the back of your tongue, in the region where your throat begins. The urge to vomit is almost immediate, but some people may have to do this maneuver 2 or 3 times before they are able to vomit successfully, as the body may try to block the signal the first few times.

4. Drink 1 glass of water

After vomiting it is very important to drink a glass of water to remove excess gastric acid that is stuck to the walls of the throat and which can cause minor burns and inflammation.

5. Wait 30 minutes before brushing your teeth

Although after vomiting there is a great need to eliminate the taste that remains in the mouth, it is best to just rinse with water, as the lining of the teeth is sensitive when it comes into contact with the stomach contents. So, you should wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.

Possible risks of causing vomiting

One of the biggest risks of vomiting is the possibility of developing pneumonia. This is because when the contents in the stomach are vomited, they return to the mouth and, in the process, some of this content may be aspirated into the lungs. If this happens, inflammation will occur and the bacteria in the digested food may develop in the lung, causing pneumonia.

However, frequent vomiting can also cause damage to the esophagus and mouth, as they are sites with very sensitive mucous membranes that are not prepared to come into direct contact with gastric acid.

What can cause vomiting

Although the urge to vomit is relatively common, there are situations in which it can be a sign of changes in the body. Some are:

  • Serious abdominal problems, such as appendicitis or intestinal obstruction; Changes in the digestive system, such as food poisoning or ulcers; Changes in the nervous system, such as meningitis, hydrocephalus or tumors; Pregnancy, especially after the 6th week of pregnancy; Use of medications, such as Digoxin, Codeine or chemotherapy.

Although there are some situations in which you can induce vomiting without great risk, if the urge to vomit appears very often and does not improve, or is accompanied by other signs such as blood or a foul smell, it is important to go to the hospital to assess the situation.

See the top 10 causes of vomiting.

When not to induce vomiting

Vomiting should never be used as a way of removing food from your stomach just because you have eaten too much. If this is happening frequently, it is possible that you are suffering from bulimia, a type of eating disorder in which the person causes vomiting after eating so as not to put on weight. Learn more about bulimia and how to fight it.

In addition, if you have drunk any poison or cleaning products, you should also not vomit, as there is a very high risk of causing burns in the esophagus.

5 Steps to Properly Vomit