Home Symptoms Contraindications for thermogenic foods

Contraindications for thermogenic foods


For acting to increase metabolism, thermogenic foods are contraindicated in cases of:

  • Hyperthyroidism, as this disease already increases metabolism naturally and the use of thermogenic drugs can worsen the symptoms of the disease; Heart disease, by increasing the heart rate and stimulating the heart; High blood pressure, by increasing blood pressure; Insomnia and anxiety, as they increase the state of alertness of the organism, preventing sleep and relaxation; Migraines, as the increase in blood pressure can lead to the worsening of headaches; Children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Thermogenic foods are those that stimulate the nervous system and increase metabolism, helping with weight loss in weight loss diets. Some examples of these foods are coffee, pepper, green tea and cinnamon. See more at: Thermogenic foods.

Side effects

In addition to the contraindications, when consumed in excess, thermogenic foods can cause side effects such as dizziness, insomnia, headache and gastrointestinal problems.

It is also important to remember that these side effects happen mainly when thermogenic drugs are taken in capsule form or when they are not part of a healthy diet.

When to use

Thermogenic foods can be used together with a healthy diet and regular physical activity, as they will help you lose weight, improve blood circulation, burn fat, stimulate the functioning of the intestines and eliminate gases.

Thermogenic products can also be consumed in the form of capsules, according to the advice of the doctor or nutritionist, and can be taken to increase training performance, improve concentration and burn fat. See more at: Thermogenic Weight Loss Supplements.

The slimming effect of coffee is enhanced when taken with coconut oil, so see how to use this mixture.

Contraindications for thermogenic foods