Home Symptoms Muscle contusion: what it is, symptoms and how to treat

Muscle contusion: what it is, symptoms and how to treat


Muscle contusion is usually caused by direct trauma that causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the region, with the thigh being the most affected area. This type of injury is very common in athletes, especially soccer players, but it can happen in everyone who practices physical activity. Muscle contusion can be classified as mild, moderate or severe depending on the severity of the blow and the time required for recovery.

The treatment for muscle contusion includes the use of ice on the spot, anti-inflammatory ointments, stretching, rest and, little by little, the resumption of physical activity. In some cases, physiotherapy is indicated to accelerate recovery, using proper equipment such as ultrasound, for example.

Muscle contusion symptoms

Muscle contusion can be perceived through signs that can be felt right after local trauma, such as pain, swelling, stiffness, difficulty in movement, decreased strength and joint mobility, and hematoma depending on the severity of the contusion.

Bruises usually occur in athletes, being more frequent in contact sports and occur more frequently in the thigh and calf. Although the signs and symptoms of contusion may last for a few days, there is a greater risk of complications in the event of direct trauma to the region again.

How to treat a muscle bruise at home

What you can do to treat a mild or moderate muscle contusion at home is right after the injury, apply a crushed ice pack, taking care to wrap the pad with a thin cloth, such as a diaper, for example, so as not to burn the skin. The compress can be kept in the painful area for up to 15 minutes and there is no need to keep it longer because there are no known benefits with this. You can put the ice pack 2 times a day, until the swelling is gone. Know when to use hot or cold compress.

To complement this homemade treatment, an ointment such as Gelol or Calminex can be applied, for example, before bed, giving a local massage, until the product is completely absorbed by the skin. It is also recommended to carefully stretch the injured muscle for 30 seconds to 1 minute at a time.

For about 2 weeks, sports are not recommended so that the muscle can recover more quickly. However, stretching exercises can be performed and it is also possible to strengthen other muscles in the body, sparing only the affected limb. If even after following these precautions, the contusion does not improve, it may be necessary to do some physiotherapy sessions to rehabilitate the muscle and improve its function.

Muscle contusion: what it is, symptoms and how to treat