Home Symptoms Deformity of haglund

Deformity of haglund


Haglund's deformity is the presence of a bony tip on the upper part of the calcaneus that easily leads to inflammation in the tissues around it, between the heel and the Achilles tendon.

This bursitis is more common in young women, mainly because of the use of tight high shoes, although it can also develop in men. The disease progresses and becomes more painful due to the constant use of hard shoes that compress or press the connection between the heel and the potato.

How to identify Haglund's deformity

A haglund's deformity is easily identified when a red, swollen, hard and quite painful spot appears on the back of the heel.

How to treat Haglund's deformity

The treatment for haglund's deformity is based on reducing inflammation like any other bursitis. Changing shoes that press the heel or adapting the position of the foot in the shoe in order to avoid pressure is the immediate strategy to be taken.

Clinical treatment involves taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications. In some cases surgery to remove a part of the heel bone can solve the problem. But in most cases, physical therapy is advised and in a few sessions can resolve the pain.

To make the problem easier to solve, we recommend the use of shoes with platform heels, neither too low nor too high, being very comfortable. At home, if the patient is in pain he can put an ice pack, or a packet of frozen peas, under the affected area and let it stay there for 15 minutes, 2 times a day.

When the inflammation subsides, you should start applying warm water bags in the same region, also twice a day.

Deformity of haglund