Home Bulls 5 Main ways to do male waxing

5 Main ways to do male waxing


In most cases, male waxing is done only for aesthetics, especially in places such as the chest, back, belly and legs. However, hair removal can also be a good way to control sweating and, therefore, many men may choose to shave when they suffer from hyperhidrosis, in the armpits, for example, a condition where there is an excessive production of sweat.

There are several hair removal techniques, such as wax, depilatory creams, laser, razor and even epilating machines, each technique having its advantages and disadvantages, depending on the time that epilation is expected to last, for example, and the location to be epilated.

What is the best form of hair removal

There is no single way to do epilation that is considered the best, so it is possible to use more than one technique when epilating your body. Some of the most used techniques are:

1. Wax

This is a very effective method, in which the hair is removed through a thin layer of melted wax, which is applied warm to the skin and which cools down while sticking to all hair. Then, this layer is removed quickly so that the hairs are completely removed.

  • Main advantages: completely removes the hair from the root and, therefore, the epilation lasts longer and can be maintained for 2 to 4 weeks. When this epilation is done frequently, the hair seems to take even longer to grow. Disadvantages: it is a painful method, which can cause skin irritation and should not be used in more sensitive areas, such as the intimate area. Where it can be used: it is usually used on the chest, belly, back, arms and legs, but can also be used with care on the face.

To ensure a better result with the wax, you should trim the hair with a razor before applying the wax, for example, as well as taking a bath of warm water, to open the pores and remove any type of cream that has been on the body, as it can make it difficult for the wax to stick to the body.

There is also the option of epilating with cold wax, in which small bands of wax purchased from the pharmacy or supermarket are used. See how to properly epilate with hot or cold wax.

2. Depilatory cream

Depilatory creams are very easy to use and are therefore used very often. This type of cream works like a chemical blade, as it contains a set of substances that make the hair thinner and destroy its base, causing it to fall out in a few minutes.

Generally, these creams should be applied to the skin for 5 to 10 minutes, according to the packaging instructions, and then they are removed with the help of a small spatula that guarantees better hair breakage. After removing the hair, wash the skin with warm water and a neutral pH soap.

  • Main advantages: the cream is easy to use and does not cause any discomfort, as it does not pluck hairs at the root. Disadvantages: by not removing the hair by the root they cause a shorter effect and, therefore, the hair can reappear in 1 to 2 weeks. In addition, if left on the skin for longer than indicated on the packaging, it can cause skin irritation. Where it can be used: it is usually indicated for epilation on the chest, belly, back, arms and legs and, therefore, it should also not be used on the intimate region.

There are different types of depilatory creams, especially for normal or sensitive skin and, therefore, the ideal is to choose a cream and apply it on a small area, before using it on a large area of ​​the body, to observe if any type of irritation appears.

3. Blade

The razor is one of the oldest techniques for hair removal and, therefore, it is also used frequently, especially when there is little time for epilation. However, with this method there is a greater risk of cuts in the skin, which can result in infections, for example.

Most of the time, the razor is indicated for those who have few hairs, or when you want to shave more sensitive regions, such as the intimate area, since it allows you to regulate the intensity of the epilation, provided it is done carefully and smoothly.

  • Main advantages: it does not cause pain, it is a quick method and can be used in almost all parts of the body. Disadvantages: there is a greater risk of cuts in the skin and ingrown hairs, since the hair is not removed by the root, nor is it weakened as with the depilatory cream. Where it can be used: in almost all parts of the body, it may even be the best technique for making intimate epilation, since it allows to regulate the intensity.

The blade should not be passed on dry skin, as it causes greater friction, increasing the risk of cuts, skin irritation and ingrown hairs. Ideally, you should use a razor cream, such as shaving creams, for example, but it is also possible to use the shower gel.

See everything you need to know to shave with a razor.

4. Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a good option for epilation and can even result in permanent hair removal. In this technique, a type of laser is used, which can be diode or alexandrite, which fires a large amount of energy to the hair, in order to destroy the root, eliminating the hair and decreasing the chances of it growing back.

This type of hair removal can cause some pain and, therefore, it should always be done in clinics specialized in laser hair removal to avoid complications such as skin burns or even wounds. Usually, it is necessary to do between 4 to 6 sessions for the hair to stop growing in a certain region, but this can vary from man to man, according to the skin color, for example.

  • Main advantages: it is a method that destroys the hair root and therefore its result lasts for a long time, and may even become definitive. Disadvantages: it can be quite painful, it usually makes the skin very irritated after treatment and does not work best on darker skin or very light hair. Where it can be used: it can be done on almost any part of the body, including the groin area.

During treatment with laser hair removal, sun exposure should be avoided as the skin needs time to recover from the trauma, as well as applying a soothing cream after each session.

Learn more about laser hair removal in the following video:

5. Epilating machine

The epilating machine, also known as electric epilator, is a small device that pulls hair out by the root, working in a similar way as wax. Usually, this type of device can be used with dry or wet skin and, therefore, can be used during the bath, for example.

  • Main advantages: it is easy to use and its result lasts as long as the wax, for up to 4 weeks. Disadvantages: it causes some discomfort when pulling hair off the skin and can irritate the skin. Where it can be used: it is usually indicated for belly, chest, back, arms and legs.

To obtain a better result, you must trim the hair with a razor before using the electric epilator, as long hair can make the appliance difficult to operate. Although these machines can be used during the bath, epilation is generally easier with dry skin, as the hair is less sticky to the skin, being more easily grabbed by the epilator.

How to do intimate waxing

Since the intimate area is an extremely sensitive area, the ideal is to just trim the hair, using scissors or a razor, for example. However, if you want to completely remove the hair and leave the skin smooth, one of the best options is to do epilation with a razor.

To shave with the razor, great care must be taken to avoid cuts in the skin, especially in the scrotum and anal area. Creams, although they can be easily applied in this region, can cause a lot of irritation, even when they are suitable for sensitive skin and, therefore, should also be avoided.

The wax can be used to remove hair from the groin area or pubis, however it is not recommended for use in more sensitive areas. In addition, many men have also resorted to permanent hair removal, such as laser hair removal, to reduce hair in the region and facilitate hygiene, however, this method is much more painful and is limited only to the groin area as well.

What are the precautions for better hair removal

To ensure a better epilation result and avoid problems, such as irritated skin or ingrown hairs, there are some precautions that you should always take before and after epilating, which include:

Before epilation

  • Trim the hair when it is longer than 1 cm, using a razor; Exfoliate the skin 2 to 3 days before epilation; Bathe with warm water to remove any type of cream or skin product and open the pores; Maintain hydration skin, applying moisturizer every day.

After epilation

  • Apply a moisturizing cream on the skin, but avoid moisturizing oils; Avoid going out in the sun or staying in the sun for a long time; Do not wear too tight clothing, especially pants; Avoid swimming in pools or going into jacuzzis, due to the presence of chlorine;

In addition, about 2 to 3 days after epilation it is also advisable to exfoliate the skin to remove hair debris and dead cells. This exfoliation can be mild and can be done up to the first 10 days after epilation.

5 Main ways to do male waxing