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Baby development


The development of the baby at 10 weeks of gestation, which is equivalent to 3 months of pregnancy, can be seen in the ultrasound exam. The head is still large in relation to the body, the eyes that are still very far apart begin to approach and are covered by the eyelids. In addition, the baby's face muscles that allow it to suck and chew begin to develop.

The brain structure is already formed, but the cells continue to multiply. The ears begin to move to the ideal position, the eyelids are in place, the diaphragm is complete and the baby makes breathing movements.

The neck lengthened, allowing the baby to turn its head forward and sideways. The sex of the baby is not yet defined because the genitals, ovaries or testicles, are not yet fully developed, but the female and male characteristics are beginning to reveal themselves. The toes and hands are already properly separated and although the baby is already moving around a lot, the mother should still not feel it.

In addition, the placenta, in addition to allowing the circulation of food, helps to prevent harmful substances from reaching the baby, acting as a filter.

Fetus size at 10 weeks

At this stage of development, the fetus should be approximately 3 centimeters from head to bottom, which is equivalent to a prune, and weigh about 3 to 5 grams.

Changes in women at 10 weeks pregnant

Changes in a woman at 10 weeks of pregnancy include the discomfort caused by the baby's growth. The belly should not be very evident yet, but there may be pain in the back or belly due to the stretching of the ligaments of the uterus.

The mother may still be very sick and when brushing her teeth she may notice some blood due to inflammation in the gums that is very common in pregnancy. In addition, the woman may notice that the nipples are darker and erect.

Confirm which month of pregnancy you are entering your details here:

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from the 1st to the 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from the 14th to the 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from the 28th to the 41st week)
Baby development