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Baby development


The 15th week of gestation, which is 4 months pregnant, can be marked by the discovery of the baby's sex, since the sexual organs are already formed. In addition, the bones of the ear are already developed, which allows the baby to begin to identify and recognize the mother's voice, for example.

From that week, the belly starts to appear more and, in the case of pregnant women over 35 years of age, between 15 and 18 weeks of gestation, the doctor may indicate an amniocentesis to see if the baby has any disease genetics.

Development of the fetus at 15 weeks of gestation

In the development of the fetus at 15 weeks of gestation, the joints are completely formed, and he has enough space to move, so it is very common for him to change positions frequently, and this can be seen on an ultrasound.

The baby opens its mouth and swallows the amniotic fluid and turns in the direction of any stimulus near its mouth. The baby's body is more proportionate with the legs longer than the arms, and the skin is very thin allowing the visualization of blood vessels. Although it is not always possible to feel, the baby may have hiccups still in the mother's belly.

The fingertips are prominent and the fingers are still short. The fingers are separated and the baby can move one finger at a time and even suck the thumb. The arch of the foot begins to form, and the baby is able to hold his feet with his hands, but he cannot bring them to his mouth.

The facial muscles have developed enough for the baby to make faces, but he still can't control his expressions. In addition, the baby's inner ear bones are already developed enough for the baby to hear what the mother says, for example.

Fetus size at 15 weeks gestation

The size of the baby at 15 weeks of gestation is approximately 10 cm measured from the head to the buttocks, and the weight is about 43 g.

Changes in women at 15 weeks pregnant

Changes in women at 15 weeks of pregnancy include an increase in the belly, which from this week on, will become increasingly evident, and a decrease in morning sickness. From now on it's a good idea to start preparing the outfit for mom and baby.

It is likely that your clothes will no longer fit and that is why it is important to adapt them or buy pregnant clothes. The ideal is to use trousers with elasticated waistband, to adjust to the size of the belly and avoid tight clothes, in addition to avoiding heels and giving preference to the lowest and most comfortable shoes, as it is normal for the feet to become swollen and there are greater chances of imbalance due to change in the center of gravity.

If it is the first pregnancy it is possible that the baby has not yet moved, but if she has been pregnant before, this is easier to notice the baby moving.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from the 1st to the 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from the 14th to the 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from the 28th to the 41st week)
Baby development