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Baby development


The development of the baby at 25 weeks of gestation, which corresponds to 6 months of pregnancy, is marked by brain development, which unfolds at every moment. At this stage, all brain cells are already present, but not all are properly linked together, which happens throughout development.

Although it is very early, the mother may notice traits of the baby's personality during pregnancy. If the baby becomes very agitated when listening to music or is talking to people, he may be more agitated, but if he moves more often when at rest, it is more likely to have a calmer baby, however, everything can change depending on the stimuli the baby receives after birth.

Development of the fetus at 25 weeks

Regarding the development of the fetus at 25 weeks of gestation, it can be seen that the baby's hair is showing and is already starting to have a defined color, although it may change after birth.

The baby moves a lot at this stage because it is very flexible and still has a lot of space in the womb. The adrenal glands are well developed and already release cortisol. Adrenaline and noradrenaline also begin to circulate in the baby's body in situations of agitation and stress.

The coordination of the baby's hands has improved a lot, often bringing the hands to the face and stretching the arms and legs and the limbs seem fuller, in a very discreet way, due to the beginning of the fat deposition process.

The baby's head is still large in relation to the body, but a little more proportional than in previous weeks, and the contour of the lips can be easily perceived in a 3D ultrasound, as well as some features of the baby. In addition, the nostrils begin to open, preparing the baby for its first breath. Understand how 3D ultrasound is done.

During this period of pregnancy, the baby may also yawn many times in order to regulate the amount of fluid or blood in the lungs.

Fetus size at 25 weeks gestation

The size of the fetus at 25 weeks of gestation is approximately 30 cm, measured from the head to the heel and the weight varies between 600 and 860 g. From that week on, the baby gains weight more quickly, about 30 to 50 g per day.

Changes in pregnant women

This phase is the most comfortable for some women, as the nausea has passed and the discomfort of late pregnancy is not yet present. However, for others, the size of the belly starts to bother you and sleeping becomes a difficult task, as you cannot find a comfortable position.

Concern about what to wear is common, not wearing tight clothes and shoes should be comfortable. The clothing does not have to be completely different, although there are special clothes for the pregnant woman that are adjustable and allow to be worn throughout the pregnancy, adapting to the growth and size of the belly.

Going to the bathroom will be more and more frequent going forward and some urinary infections are common in pregnancy. Symptoms of a urinary tract infection are: urgency to urinate and having little urine, smelly urine, pain or burning when urinating. If you have any of these symptoms, tell your doctor. Learn more about urinary tract infection in pregnancy.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from 1st to 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from 14th to 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from 28th to 41st week)
Baby development