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Baby development


The development of the baby at 33 weeks of gestation, which is equivalent to 8 months of pregnancy, is marked by movements, kicks and kicks that can occur during the day or at night, making it difficult for the mother to sleep.

At this stage most babies have already turned upside down, but if your baby is still sitting, here's how you can help him: 3 exercises to help the baby turn upside down.

Fetal development - 33 weeks gestation

The auditory development of the fetus at 33 weeks of gestation is almost complete. The baby can already distinguish the mother's voice very clearly and calms down when he hears it. Despite being accustomed to the sound of the heart, digestion and the mother's voice, he may jump or be startled by serious sounds that he does not know.

In some ultrasounds, movements of the fingers or toes can be observed. Gradually the baby's bones are getting stronger and stronger, but the bones of the head have not yet fused in order to facilitate the baby's exit during normal birth.

At this stage all digestive enzymes are already present and if the baby is born now it will be able to digest the milk. The amount of amniotic fluid has already reached its maximum limit and it is likely that this week the baby will turn upside down. If you are pregnant with twins, the date of delivery is likely to be close as in this case, most babies are born before 37 weeks, but despite this, some can be born after 38, although this is not very common.

Fetus size at 33 weeks gestation

The size of the fetus at 33 weeks of gestation is approximately 42.4 centimeters measured from the head to the heel and the weight is about 1.4 kg. When it comes to a twin pregnancy, each baby may weigh around 1 kg.

Changes in women at 33 weeks pregnant

Regarding changes in women at 33 weeks of pregnancy, they should experience greater discomfort when eating meals, as the uterus has already grown enough to press the ribs.

With childbirth approaching, it is good to know how to relax even if you are in pain, so a good tip is to breathe deeply and breathe out through your mouth. When cramps appear, remember this breathing style and take a light walk, as this also helps to relieve the pain of contraction.

Your hands, feet and legs may start to get more and more swollen, and drinking plenty of water can help eliminate these excess fluids, but if there is too much retention, it is good to tell the doctor as it can be a condition called pre-eclampsia, which is characterized by increased pressure that can affect even women who have always had low blood pressure.

Back and leg pains can be more and more constant, so try to relax whenever possible.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from 1st to 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from 14th to 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from 28th to 41st week)
Baby development