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Baby development


The baby at 34 weeks of gestation, or 8 months of pregnancy, is already quite developed. At this stage, if a premature birth occurs, there is more than a 90% chance that babies will survive without major health problems.

This week, most babies have already turned upside down, but if your baby is still sitting, here's how it can help you turn around: 3 exercises to help your baby turn upside down.

Development at 34 weeks of gestation

Regarding the development of the 34-week-old fetus, it has a larger layer of fat as you will need it to regulate the body temperature outside the uterus after birth. Due to this weight gain, the baby's skin looks smoother.

The central nervous system and the immune system are still maturing, but the lungs are already practically developed.

The hearing is almost 100% developed, so it is a good time to talk a lot with the baby, if you haven't already. He likes the high-pitched sounds better, especially his mother's voice.

The iris pigmentation process in the eyes is not yet complete. This will only be possible after greater exposure to light several weeks after birth. That is why some babies are born with light eyes and then darken, having their final color only after some time.

This week, the baby prepares for delivery. The bones are already very strong, but those of the skull are not yet completely connected, which will facilitate their passage through the vaginal canal at the time of normal delivery.

If it is a boy, the testicles begin to descend. It can happen that one or both testicles do not go to the correct position before birth or even during the first year.

Fetus size

The size of the 34-week-old fetus is approximately 43.7 centimeters in length, measured from the head to the heel and weighs about 1.9 kg.

Changes in women

The change in women at 34 weeks of pregnancy is the most intense sensation of pain or numbness in the hip when walking. This is due to the preparation of the mother's pelvic region for childbirth, with the loosening of the joints. If the discomfort is very great, you should inform the doctor during consultations, which will now be more frequent.

There is also an itchiness in the breasts as they grow. You should hydrate them as much as possible with creams based on vitamin E to avoid stretch marks.

The mother will continue to feel the training contractions that can cause some colic, in addition to the hard belly.

At this stage, it is important for the pregnant woman to start thinking about a person to help her with domestic services, such as her husband, mother, mother-in-law or a maid, because with each passing day she will feel more tired, with less disposition. and you will have a harder time sleeping. The size of the belly can also make it difficult to perform many physical efforts.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from 1st to 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from 14th to 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from 28th to 41st week)
Baby development