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Baby development


The development of the baby at 7 weeks of gestation, which is 2 months pregnant, is marked by the development of the heart, which now has 4 well-defined chambers that allow the heart to beat.

This week it is common for the mother to suffer from nausea and headache and this is due to the levels of beta HCG in the bloodstream. Soon, the concentration of this hormone will decrease, which may represent the end of nausea, but despite this there are pregnant women who feel nauseous until the end of pregnancy.

If at 7 weeks the embryo has not yet been seen on an ultrasound, it may be that the gestational time is shorter than the supposed 7 weeks.

Development of the fetus at 7 weeks of gestation

The development of the fetus at 7 weeks of gestation is constant. Transformations happen every minute. This week, the placenta is much larger than the baby, the eyes that were on the side of the head, begin to approach, the elbows are already moving, the fingers are still close together but can already be seen and the head of the fetus is still leaning over your stomach.

The baby's organs begin to be formed but it is still too early to perform any function, and although the arms and legs are already present, they are initially similar to the paddle of a boat.

The lungs begin to develop, as do the muscles and bones. The head and brain are growing rapidly, and the baby already has a properly formed appendix.

At this stage the baby will be able to move, but the mother will probably only feel it at 18 weeks of gestation.

Fetus size at 7 weeks of gestation

The 7-week-old fetus should not be larger than a bean bean, measuring approximately 8mm.

Changes in women at 7 weeks pregnant

Regarding the changes in the woman at 7 weeks of pregnancy, a slight change in the belly may be noted. The baby is growing and although the mother may feel very sick and not feel like eating anything, the uterus begins to lean more forward and this can begin to be noticed.

During pregnancy it is common for women to experience nausea and food cravings. These desires represent some nutritional deficiency that the woman has, therefore, she needs more iron in the body, she will feel a desire for foods rich in iron such as meat, chocolate or barbecue, for example. It is common to start feeling nauseated by certain foods, especially the greasy ones and with a very intense smell.

If the nausea is very intense, the doctor may prescribe the use of a nausea medicine during pregnancy, but a good tip is when you get up in the morning to eat 1 cornstarch cookie and only after a few minutes have breakfast.

Confirm which month of pregnancy you are entering your details here:

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from the 1st to the 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from the 14th to the 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from the 28th to the 41st week)
Baby development