Home Bulls Baby development at 10 months

Baby development at 10 months


In the development of the 10-month-old baby, he is expected to use his index finger to explore his world, as well as:

  • Stand by holding the crib rail; Clap your hands; Hold 2 objects in just 1 hand; Say the word "no" and "bye"; Walk around holding furniture.

The 10-month-old baby already begins to understand what some objects are for, gets upset when they leave him alone, prefers to stand or sit when he is awake and is jealous, crying if the mother picks up another child.

At 10 months the baby has an average of 6 teeth, the 4 central ones above and the 2 central ones below.

All babies are different, so it is important to respect the baby's pace of development. In addition, it is essential to take the baby to the Pediatrician for him to assess how the baby is in relation to his growth and development.

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Baby development at 10 months