Home Bulls Baby development at 7 months

Baby development at 7 months


In the development of the 7-month-old baby, it is likely that he will already be able to voluntarily crawl, crawl or roll towards a distant object, and pass objects from one hand to another with ease.

At 7 months the baby should already be able to cry loudly and make high-pitched sounds and start to express his wishes with irritation. With regard to language, you should start having fun forming syllables with some vowels and consonants, such as "give-give", "shovel-shovel" or "bad-bad".

At this age, the baby likes a doll that can bite, hold and hit and adopts him as his companion. He still does not interact very well with other children, although he enjoys watching them.

It is at the end of the seventh month that he starts to develop his memory, being an important milestone to start learning more from his own experiences.

The teething of the 7-month-old baby consists of 2 lower central teeth, although it is not uncommon for some babies to have no teeth until 12 months, or to be born long before 7 months.

Each baby has its own pace of development, so it is important to respect it. In addition, it is essential to take the baby to the pediatrician regularly for him to assess his growth and development.

Watch the video to find out what the baby does at this stage and how you can help him develop faster:

Baby feeding at 7 months

When feeding a 7-month-old baby, it is indicated:

  • Offer fresh fruit, although it may be possible to offer fruit in jams such as apple, pear or peach; Add meat or fish to baby food or soups; Offer bread or cracker for baby to bite after meals; Knead meals with fork instead of beaten in a blender, to have a higher concentration of fibers; you can offer natural yogurt suitable for babies and with aromas, but it is forbidden to give yogurts with aromas of wild fruits (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, currant), and can - also make a yogurt drink whipped in a blender with cookies and fruit (being an option for an afternoon snack); give a fruit as a dessert after lunch and dinner.

In addition to these recommendations, the baby should drink about 700 ml of milk per day. See baby food recipes for 7 month old babies.

Baby weight at 7 months

The weight of the 7-month-old baby is approximately 7, 800 g for girls and 8 kilos for boys.

Useful links:

Baby development at 7 months