Home Bulls Baby development at 8 months

Baby development at 8 months


The 8-month-old baby is already able to understand what is happening around them, they like attention, which they usually do by shouting, and their greatest fun is trying to stand, which they can do by leaning on objects. The baby can also crawl very well, moving around the house easily.

At this stage of development, the baby has between 11 and 15 hours of sleep and shows progress in motor functions and balance. It is important to respect the baby's development rate, as each baby is different, and to take the baby regularly to the pediatrician, for him to assess his growth and development. Learn more about the 8-month-old baby.

Characteristics of the 8-month-old baby

In the development of the baby at 8 months it is expected that he is already crawling. In addition, the 8-month-old baby should already be able to:

  • Sit alone; Get up on objects, which usually results in falls; Transfer hand objects; Pick up toys when they fall on the floor; Open cabinets and drawers to take out what's inside; Realize the meaning of some words; pronounce vowels and pull hair.

In addition, the 8-month-old baby is more emotional, managing to miss his parents, they don't like to be alone, always trying to be on someone's lap. The baby also becomes more fond of baths, toys that float in water and like to attract the attention of others. As for the teeth, at 8 months the baby can have a total of 4 teeth: the two upper central and the two lower central.

Baby development at 8 months