Home Bulls Fetal development: 37 weeks of gestation

Fetal development: 37 weeks of gestation


The development of the fetus at 37 weeks of gestation, which is 9 months pregnant, is complete. The baby can be born at any time, but he can remain in the mother's womb until 41 weeks of gestation, only growing and gaining weight.

At this stage it is important that the pregnant woman has everything ready to go to the hospital, since the baby can be born at any time and that she starts to prepare for breastfeeding. Learn how to prepare to breastfeed.

How is the development of the fetus

The 37-week-old fetus is similar to a newborn baby. The lungs are fully formed and the baby already trains breathing, breathing in the amniotic fluid, while oxygen arrives through the umbilical cord. All organs and systems are properly formed and as of this week, if the baby is born it will be considered a term baby and not a premature one.

The fetus' behavior is similar to that of a newborn baby and he opens his eyes and yawns many times while he is awake.

Fetus size at 37 weeks

The average length of the fetus is about 46.2 cm and the average weight is about 2.4 kg.

Changes in the 37-week pregnant woman

The changes in the woman at 37 weeks of pregnancy are not much different from the previous week, however, when the baby fits, you may feel some changes.

What happens when the baby fits

The baby is considered to fit, when its head begins to descend in the pelvic region in preparation for delivery, which may occur around the 37th week.

When the baby fits, the belly drops slightly and it is normal for the pregnant woman to feel lighter and breathe better, since there is more space for the lungs to expand. However, pressure in the bladder can increase which makes you want to urinate more often. In addition, you may also experience pelvic pain. See the exercises that help the baby fit.

The mother may also experience more back pain and easy tiredness is more and more frequent. Therefore, at this stage, it is recommended to rest whenever possible, take the opportunity to sleep and eat well to ensure strength and energy that will be needed to care for the newborn baby.

Your pregnancy by trimester

To make your life easier and you don't waste time looking, we have separated all the information you need for each trimester of pregnancy. What quarter are you in?

  • 1st Quarter (from the 1st to the 13th week) 2nd Quarter (from the 14th to the 27th week) 3rd Quarter (from the 28th to the 41st week)
Fetal development: 37 weeks of gestation