Home Symptoms Banana diet

Banana diet


The morning banana diet consists of eating 4 bananas for breakfast, accompanied by 2 glasses of warm water or a tea of ​​your choice, without sugar.

The banana diet was created by Japanese pharmacist Sumiko Watanabe for her husband Hitoshi Watanabe who made this diet very popular in Japan and later in other countries.

The banana diet for weight loss contains fibers that help to satisfy your appetite and improve your intestines. Those who suffer from constipation should avoid eating the banana-apple, giving preference to the nanica banana and the silver banana.

This diet can be followed for as long as you wish, as it does not restrict food much and the results are seen right after the second week.

There is no need to do any exhausting physical activity, walking for 30 minutes daily is enough.

Banana diet menu

Breakfast - you can eat up to 4 bananas with tea or 2 glasses of warm, unsweetened water.

Lunch - practically all foods are released, but sweets and fried foods should not be consumed, giving preference to whole grains, fish, vegetables and greens. It is important to reduce the quantities.

Snack - a fruit of your choice.

Dinner - should be made before 8 pm and be light, giving preference to whole grains, fish, vegetables and greens as at lunch.

Supper - not allowed as you must lie down before midnight for the diet to be successful.

In addition to bananas, sweet babata is a great ally to lose weight, in addition to being tasty. See how to do the Sweet Potato Diet for Weight Loss.

Banana diet