Home Bulls Liquid duofilm and plantar duofilm

Liquid duofilm and plantar duofilm


Duofilm is a remedy indicated for removing warts that can be found in the form of liquid or gel. Duofilm liquid contains salicylic acid, lactic acid and lacto-salicylated collodion, while Duofilm plantar contains only salicylic acid in gel form.

The two forms of presentation of Duofilm are indicated for the removal of warts from 2 years of age, but always under medical indication and to use this medicine it is recommended to protect the skin around the wart and apply the product only in the area that will be removed.

This medicine is useful to remove warts on any part of the body but it is not indicated for the treatment of genital warts, as they need other more specific drugs, which must be indicated by the gynecologist or urologist.


Duofilm liquid is indicated for the treatment and removal of common warts and Duofilm plantar is more indicated for the removal of the flat wart found on the feet, popularly known as 'fisheye'. The treatment time can vary from one person to another because it depends on the size of the wart, but in 2 to 4 weeks you should notice a good decrease but the complete treatment can take 12 weeks.


Duofilm costs between 20 and 40 reais.

How to use

The method of using liquid Duofilm or plantar Duofilm consists of:

  1. Wash the affected area with warm water for 5 minutes to soften the skin and then dry; Cut a tape to protect healthy skin, making a hole the size of the wart; Apply the tape around the wart, leaving only it exposed; Apply the liquid using the brush or gel directly on the wart and let it dry; When it is dry, cover the wart with another adhesive tape.

It is recommended to apply Duofilm at night and leave the bandage on all day. You must apply the medicine daily on the wart until it is completely eliminated.

If the healthy skin around the wart comes in contact with the liquid, it will be irritated and reddish and in this case, wash the area with water, moisturize and protect this skin from further aggressions.

Never shake the liquid Duofilm and be careful because it is flammable so never apply it in the kitchen or near the fire.

Side effects

Some side effects of using the drug include irritation, a burning sensation and the formation of a crust on the skin or dermatitis and that is why it is important to protect healthy skin, leaving the product to act only on the wart.


The use of Duofilm is contraindicated for diabetic patients, with circulatory problems, with hypersensitivity to salicylic acid, as well as it should not be applied on moles, birthmarks and warts with hair. In addition, Duofilm should not be applied to the genitals, eyes, mouth and nostrils, and should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. During breastfeeding it is also not recommended to apply the product on the nipples to prevent it affecting the baby's mouth.

Liquid duofilm and plantar duofilm