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Understand when hunger can be a disease


Hidden hunger is a condition in which the individual is hungry, eats, but lacks nutrients because he does not eat a varied and nutrient-rich diet. Thus, the person eats, but does not eat well, even if he eats in large quantities, because he selects foods a lot by making meals basically the same with repeated foods and making the meal not very nutritious.

The varied diet should be stimulated since the introduction of new foods, from 6 months of life, so that it becomes a habit of life, in order to prevent nutritional deficiencies, avoiding diseases linked to poor diet, such as, for example, obesity, high cholesterol and other cardiovascular diseases or osteoporosis.

Symptoms of hidden hunger

The symptoms of hidden hunger are:

  • tiredness, frequent infections, lack of memory, hair loss, weak nails, anemia.

Hidden hunger can even lead to impaired growth or physical and even intellectual development.

Treatment for hidden hunger

The treatment for hidden hunger when symptoms are very advanced may be supplementation with adequate vitamins and minerals prescribed by the doctor.

If the hidden hunger syndrome is not very advanced and, therefore, the symptoms are mild, a varied diet adapted to the needs of the individual and prepared by a nutritionist may be sufficient.

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Understand when hunger can be a disease