Home Bulls Zinc phenolsulfonate (lerin)

Zinc phenolsulfonate (lerin)


Lerin is a medicine for ophthalmological use, with a vasoconstrictive, sedative and decongestant action promoting relief from eye irritations, caused by: foreign bodies, dust, wind, smoke, exposure to intense light and congestion that accompanies acute coryza.


Auxiliary medication in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Side effects

In excessive doses and prolonged use: ocular hyperemia; blurred vision; dilated pupils; headache; nervousness; nausea; increased sweating.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the formula, narrow-angle glaucoma or predisposition to it

How to use

Drip 1 to 2 drops in each eye, every 2 hours.

Zinc phenolsulfonate (lerin)