Home Symptoms Is rheumatism in bones curable?

Is rheumatism in bones curable?


The treatment for rheumatism in the bones must be guided by the orthopedist or rheumatologist, and may include taking medication, using ointments, infiltrating corticosteroids, and physiotherapy sessions, which are essential for the success of the treatment. Other measures that can help include anti-inflammatory and healing food, and as an alternative, acupuncture and homeopathy are good options to complement clinical treatment.

Bone rheumatism is a set of rheumatic diseases, diagnosed by the doctor, that affect bones, muscles and tendons. Some examples of rheumatic diseases are arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, gout and bursitis, usually the affected people are over 50 years old, and generally these diseases have no cure, although treatment can bring symptom relief and improve movement.

The treatment for rheumatism in the bones can be done with:


In periods of rheumatic crisis, when symptoms become more evident, the doctor may prescribe the taking of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, such as Paracetamol Ibuprofen, Naproxen and injections of corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid applied directly to the painful joint.

The drugs should not be used for more than 7 days and people with a sensitive stomach should prefer to take drugs during meals, to avoid gastritis. Medicines containing glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate can also be indicated to strengthen joints and prevent the progression of osteoarthritis.

In case of depression, anxiety crisis and sleep disturbances, which can affect people with fibromyalgia, for example, the doctor may recommend anxiolytics or antidepressants, and medicines for better sleep, such as zolpidem or melatonin.

Home treatment

A good home remedy is to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, drink marjoram tea daily and make a poultice out of clay or potato, whenever the pain appears. An excellent tea to fight arthritis and osteoarthritis can be made with sucupira seeds. See here its benefits and how to do it.


Physiotherapy can be done with devices such as tension, ultrasound, laser, in addition to bags of warm or cold water, and exercises that aim to maintain or recover the mobility of joints and joints, its main focus being to combat pain and recover movements.

Exercising in water, such as hydrokinesiotherapy is also an excellent way to improve pain in the hips or knees, which reduces the weight on the joints and facilitates the movement and support of the weight. This type of treatment should be carried out 3 to 4 times a week until the patient is able to perform his daily life activities alone with some ease.

Check out some exercises for knee arthrosis in this video:

The use of devices to facilitate movement, such as crutches, the use of elastic knee pads and cushioned shoes are also strategies that contribute to pain relief, and the performance of daily tasks.


Having a balanced diet, being within the ideal weight and prefer foods that naturally fight inflammation, is also important to speed recovery. So you should bet on foods with more omega 3 like sardines, tuna, salmon or perila seed oil, for example.

Strengthening the bones by eating more calcium and vitamin D is also indicated, and for that reason one should bet on dairy products, their derivatives and broccoli, for example. Check out more food in this video:


Surgery is only indicated in the most severe cases, when there is no improvement in symptoms and movement even after more than 6 months of intensive physical therapy. It can be done to scrape the bones or to completely replace a bone part or the entire joint.


Acupuncture can also be a good help to complement the treatment of rheumatism in the bones, because it promotes a reorganization of body energy, combats inflammation and relaxes tense muscles. With this technique it is possible to decrease the intake of medications, and decrease the frequency of physiotherapy, but acupuncture should not be used exclusively, because it is limited.


The homeopathic doctor can recommend taking homeopathic remedies, such as Ledum 4DH or Actea Racemosa, which produce an energetic stimulus that helps to balance the body and reduce inflammatory processes, without causing side effects, as with traditional anti-inflammatory remedies..

What causes rheumatism

Rheumatism is a disease caused by several factors that involve age, genetic predisposition, lifestyle and type of activity performed. People over 40 are most affected by joint diseases, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and bursitis, but rheumatic diseases also affect young people, as can happen with fibromyalgia or rheumatic fever.

Depending on the disease, the treatment can take a long time and the improvement is also slow, but if the patient does not undergo these treatments, the disease may evolve and make his daily life more difficult.

Is rheumatism in bones curable?