Home Bulls Bullous pemphigoid

Bullous pemphigoid


Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune skin disease, which causes large reddish blisters to appear on the skin, which do not break easily.

Bullous pemphigoid is curable, however, it is not known exactly what causes the appearance of these blisters, but they are related to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, radiation therapy or after the use of certain medications.

Symptoms of bullous pemphigoid

Symptoms of bullous pemphigoid are:

  • Slightly red blisters that appear on the skin, accompanied by itching, which when they break, although very painful, do not leave scars.

These blisters can affect the entire body, but are more frequent in the fold regions, such as the groin, elbows and knees.

Bullous pemphigoid photo

Source: Harrison Internal Medicine 2013

Treatment for bullous pemphigoid

The treatment for bullous pemphigoid is done with the consumption of corticosteroid or immunosuppressive anti-inflammatory drugs. The duration of the disease depends on the patient's condition, and may take weeks, months or years. Although it is not an easily resolvable disease, bullous pemphigoid is curable and can be achieved with the remedies indicated by the dermatologist.

Diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid

The diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid can be made by the dermatologist after observing the affected region, and can use complementary exams, such as biopsy.

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Bullous pemphigoid