Home Bulls Chemical peeling: what it is, benefits and care after treatment

Chemical peeling: what it is, benefits and care after treatment


Chemical peeling is a type of aesthetic treatment that is done with the application of acids on the skin to remove damaged layers and promote the growth of a smooth layer, which can be done to eliminate blemishes and expression lines, for example.

Chemical peels cost between R $ 150 and R $ 300.00 for the simplest cases. However, the most complex ones can reach up to R $ 1500.00, depending on the clinic and the problem to be treated. Chemical peels cannot be purchased in supermarkets, pharmacies or cosmetic stores as they must be applied by a specialized professional, such as a dermatologist or dermatofunctional physiotherapist, to avoid serious complications such as skin burns.

Wrinkles before chemical peeling

Wrinkles after chemical peeling

Types of chemical peel

Chemical peeling can be done on the skin of the face, hands and neck to remove blemishes, acne marks and scars. Thus, according to the region, the chemical peeling technique can vary, the main types being:

  • Superficial chemical peel : removes the outermost layer of the skin, being great to lighten spots and remove acne marks or superficial wrinkles; Medium chemical peel : acids are used to remove the outer and middle layer of the skin, being used to treat acne and deeper wrinkles; Deep chemical peeling: removes the skin layers to the internal level, being recommended for cases of skin damaged by the sun and other scars, such as acne or accidents.

The results of the chemical peel can be seen from the second treatment session, and during this period it is advisable to use a good moisturizing cream, with sunscreen, as the skin is very sensitive, reddish and with a tendency to peel.

Benefits of chemical peeling

The main benefits of chemical peels include:

  • Reduction of acne scars and accidents; Renewal of skin layers, improving the appearance of the skin; Reduction of age or sun spots; Elimination of wrinkles and expression lines.

This type of treatment also reduces the oiliness of the skin, increases the production of collagen, and prevents the appearance of blackheads and pimples. The results of chemical peeling depend on the type of peeling, whether superficial, medium or deep, and on the characteristics of the skin, with the most satisfactory result on lighter skins.

Post-peeling care

After chemical peeling the skin is very sensitive and, therefore, it is recommended to avoid exposure to the sun, use sunscreen every 4 hours and avoid touching the treated area. In addition, it is important to use moisturizing creams to keep your skin healthy and prevent the appearance of blemishes and other damage. Here's how to make a homemade moisturizer for dry skin.

It is also important to wash the treated skin with a neutral soap, to avoid irritation of the area, in addition to spraying thermal water on the treated area to avoid redness and burning of the area. It is recommended to go back to the professional who performed the procedure if the irritation is too great to be able to indicate the use of cream with corticosteroids, for example.

Chemical peeling: what it is, benefits and care after treatment