Home Bulls Harmonet



Harmonet is a contraceptive medication that has the active substances Ethinylestradiol and Gestodene.

This medication for oral use is indicated for the prevention of pregnancy, having its effectiveness guaranteed, provided it is taken according to the recommendations.

Harmonet indications (What is it for)

Prevention of pregnancy.

Harmonet Price

The box of the medicine with 21 pills can cost approximately 17 reais.

Harmonet side effects

Headaches, including migraines; intermenstrual hemorrhages; breast pain and increased breast tenderness; breast enlargement; breast discharge, painful menstruation; menstrual irregularities (including decreased or missed periods); mood swings, including depression; changes in sexual desire; nervousness, dizziness; acne; fluid retention / edema; nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain; changes in body weight;

Harmonet contraindications

Pregnant or lactating women; thromboembolic processes; severe liver problems; liver tumors; jaundice or itching during pregnancy; Dublin Johnson and rotor syndrome; diabetes; atrial fibrillation; sickle cell anemia; tumors in the uterus or breast; endometriosis; history of herpes gravidarum; abnormal genital bleeding.

Directions for use of Harmonet (Posology)

Oral use


  • Start treatment on the first day of the menstrual cycle with the administration of 1 tablet of harmonet, followed by the administration of 1 tablet daily for the next 21 days, always at the same time. After this period, there should be an interval of 7 days between the last pill in this pack and the beginning of the other, which is where menstruation will occur. If there is no bleeding during this period, treatment should be stopped until the possibility of pregnancy is ruled out.