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Physiotherapy in breast cancer


Physiotherapy is indicated in the postoperative period of breast cancer because after mastectomy there are complications such as decreased shoulder movements, lymphedema, fibrosis and decreased sensitivity in the area, and physiotherapy helps to improve the swelling of the arm, and also combats shoulder pain and increasing your degree of movement, returns normal sensitivity and fights fibrosis.

The main benefits of physical therapy after breast cancer are improved body image, the ability to perform daily activities, and promote satisfaction for work ability and satisfaction with yourself.

Physical therapy treatment after mastectomy

The physiotherapist should evaluate the health and limitations that the woman has, and indicate the physiotherapy treatment that can be done with, for example:

  • Massage to remove the scar; Manual therapy techniques to increase the amplitude of the shoulder joint; Strategies to increase sensitivity in the pectoral region; Stretching exercises for the shoulder, arms and neck, with or without a stick; Strengthening exercises with 0.5 kg weights, repeated 12 times; Exercises that activate the lymphatic circulation; Exercises to increase breathing capacity; Mobilization of the shoulder and scapula; Scar mobilization; TENS to decrease pain and swelling; Manual lymphatic drainage throughout the arm; Low elastic bandage at night, and compression sleeve during the day; Application of a compressive band that must be maintained for a few hours or days, depending on the case; Postural re-education; Trapezoid pompage, pectoralis major and smaller.

Some exercises that can be performed include those of Clinical Pilates and exercises that can be performed inside a pool with warm water, in hydrotherapy.

Women do not need to be afraid of having a swollen arm after exercise because this is more common in women with a Body Mass Index (BMI) above 25 kg / m2, and practicing the exercises also does not hinder healing, it does not facilitate the formation of seroma, nor does it increase the risk of scar complications, being a safe procedure.

When to do physical therapy after breast cancer

Physiotherapy is indicated for all women who have undergone surgery for breast removal, whether or not they have undergone complementary radiation therapy. However, women undergoing radiation therapy after mastectomy have greater complications and need physiotherapy even more.

Physiotherapy exercises can be started on the first postoperative day and must respect the limit of pain and discomfort, but it is important to gradually increase the range of motion.

Physiotherapy should start the day before the surgery and should last from 1 to 2 years. Before the surgery, the physiotherapist can clarify some doubts, evaluate the movement of the shoulders and perform some exercises that the woman will have to perform after being operated on. After surgery to remove the breast, it is recommended to have sessions that are repeated 2 or 3 times a week.

Special recommendations after breast removal

How to care for the skin

The woman should bathe daily taking care to always apply moisturizer on the affected region to keep the skin properly elastic and hydrated. It is also important to be careful when cooking, cutting nails and shaving to avoid burns, cuts and wounds, which can become infected more easily.

When to use the elastic sleeve on the arm

The elastic sleeve should be used, according to the recommendation of the doctor and / or physiotherapist, with compression of 30 to 60 mmHg during the day, and also during exercises, but it is not necessary to sleep with the sleeve.

How to decrease arm swelling

To decrease the swelling of the arm after removing the breast, what can be done is to keep the arm elevated, as this facilitates the venous return, thus reducing the swelling and discomfort of feeling the heavy arm. It is recommended to avoid tight clothing, preferring light cotton fabrics.

How to fight shoulder pain

A good way to combat shoulder pain after removing the breast is to place an ice pack on the site of the pain. The compress should be applied daily, 2 to 3 times a day, for about 15 minutes. To protect the skin, wrap the ice pack in a sheet of kitchen paper.

How to increase sensitivity in the chest

A good strategy to normalize the sensitivity in the scar region is to desensitize using different textures and temperatures. Thus, making circular movements with a cotton ball for a few minutes is recommended, and also with a small pebble of ice, however the physiotherapist can indicate other ways to achieve results, according to the needs of each one.

Applying moisturizing cream throughout the region after the daily bath also helps to peel the skin and improve sensitivity.

How to fight back and neck pain

To combat back and neck pain and just above the shoulders, taking a warm bath and self-massage is a good strategy. Self-massage can be done by applying grape seed oil; sweet almond oil, or moisturizer with circular movements across the painful region.

Stretching also helps to relieve pain by reducing spasms. Check out some examples of stretches you can do to combat neck pain.

Physiotherapy in breast cancer