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Parkinson's disease physiotherapy


Physiotherapy for Parkinson's disease plays an important role in the treatment of the disease because it provides an improvement in the general physical condition of the patient, with the main objective of restoring or maintaining function and encouraging the performance of activities of daily living independently, thus giving more quality of life.

However, this does not exclude the need to take the drugs indicated by the geriatrician or neurologist, being just a way to complement the treatment. Learn more about treating Parkinson's Disease.

Objectives of physiotherapy for Parkinson's disease

The physiotherapist must act as early as possible through a treatment plan, where the following objectives are highlighted:

  • Reduction of functional limitations caused by stiffness, slowness of movement and postural changes; Maintenance or increase in range of motion preventing contractures and deformities; Improvement of balance, gait and coordination; Increased lung capacity and general physical resistance; Prevention of falls; Incentive to self-care.

It is important that the whole family is involved in the treatment of Parkinson's patients, so that activities are also encouraged at home, as prolonged periods of break can compromise the goals.

Physiotherapy with light weights

Physiotherapy exercises for Parkinson's disease

Exercises should be prescribed after performing a patient evaluation, where the short, medium and long term goals will be established. The most used types of exercises are:

  • Relaxation techniques: should be performed at the beginning of the session to reduce stiffness, tremors and anxiety, through rhythmic activities, involving a slow and careful balance of the trunk and limbs, for example. Stretching: should preferably be done by the individual himself with the help of a physiotherapist, including stretching for the arms, trunk, shoulder / pelvic girdle and legs; Active and muscle strengthening exercises: they should preferably be performed sitting or standing, through movements of the arms and legs, rotations of the trunk, using sticks, rubber bands, balls and light weights; Balance and coordination training: it is done through activities of sitting and standing, rotating the trunk in the sitting and standing positions, body tilt, exercises with changes in direction and at various speeds, grabbing objects and dressing; Postural exercises: should always be performed seeking the extension of the trunk and in front of the mirror so that the individual is more aware of the correct posture; Breathing exercises: breathing is guided in times with the use of the stick for the arms, use of breathing through the diaphragm and greater respiratory control; Facial mimicry exercises: encouraging movements to open and close your mouth, smile, frown, pout, open and close your eyes, blow a straw or whistle and chew your food a lot; Gait training: try to correct and avoid dragging by making longer strides, increasing the movements of the trunk and arms. You can make markings on the floor, walk over obstacles, train to walk forward, backward and sideways; Group exercises: help to avoid sadness, isolation and depression, bringing more stimulation through mutual encouragement and general well-being. Dance and music can be used; Hydrotherapy: exercises in water are very beneficial as they help to reduce stiffness at an appropriate temperature, thus facilitating movement, walking and changing postures; Transfer training: in a more advanced phase, you must guide yourself in the correct way to move around in bed, lie down and get up, move to the chair and go to the bathroom.

Generally physiotherapy will be necessary for a lifetime, so the more attractive the sessions, the greater the patient's dedication and interest and, consequently, the better the results obtained.

Parkinson's disease physiotherapy