Home Symptoms Excessive hunger: what can be and how to control

Excessive hunger: what can be and how to control


Constant hunger can be caused by a high-carbohydrate diet, increased stress and anxiety, or health problems like diabetes. However, it is important to note that the increase in hunger is normal especially during adolescence, when the young person is in a phase of rapid growth and there are major hormonal changes in the body.

In addition, eating too fast also does not allow hormones to communicate at the right time between the stomach and the brain, which increases the feeling of hunger. Here are 5 problems that can cause hunger:

1. Dehydration

The lack of water in the body is often confused with the feeling of hunger. Remembering to drink plenty of water can solve the problem of hunger, and being aware of small signs of dehydration can also help to identify the problem.

In general, having dry skin, chapped lips, brittle hair and very yellow urine are easy to identify signs that reflect the lack of water in the body. Find out how much water is needed per day.

2. Excess flour and sugar

Eating a lot of white flour, sugar and foods rich in refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, crackers, snacks and sweets, causes hunger shortly afterwards because these foods are quickly processed, not giving satiety to the body.

These foods cause spikes in blood glucose, which is blood sugar, causing the body to release too much insulin to bring that sugar down quickly. However, by reducing blood glucose, hunger reappears.

Watch the following video and learn what to do to reduce the desire to eat sweets:

3. Excessive stress and sleepless nights

Being constantly stressed, anxious or sleeping poorly causes hormonal changes that lead to increased hunger. The hormone leptin, which gives satiety, is reduced while the hormone ghrelin increases, which is responsible for the feeling of hunger.

In addition, there is an increase in cortisol, the stress hormone, which stimulates fat production. Here's what to do to combat stress and anxiety.

4. Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar is always high, because the cells are unable to capture it for energy. As the cells are unable to use sugar, there is a constant feeling of hunger, especially if the person feeds mainly on carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates, such as breads, pastas, cakes, sugar, fruits and sweets, are the nutrients responsible for the increase in blood sugar, and diabetics cannot use it properly without the use of drugs and insulin. Know the symptoms of diabetes.

5. Hyperthyroidism

In hyperthyroidism there is an increase in general metabolism, which causes problems such as constant hunger, increased heart rate and weight loss, mainly due to the loss of muscle mass.

Constant hunger appears as a way to stimulate the consumption of food to generate enough energy to keep the metabolism high. Treatment can be done with medication, iodotherapy or surgery. See more about hyperthyroidism.

How to control excess hunger

Some strategies that can be used to fight hunger that doesn't go away are:

  • Avoid foods rich in sugars such as cakes, cookies, candies or ice cream, for example, as they quickly increase blood sugar, which then also decreases rapidly causing an increase in hunger; Increase fiber-rich foods such as wheat and oat bran, vegetables, legumes, shelled fruit and bagasse, and seeds such as chia, flaxseed and sesame seeds, as the fibers increase the feeling of satiety. See the complete list of high fiber foods; Eat protein-rich foods at every meal, such as eggs, meat, fish, chicken and cheese, for example, because proteins are nutrients that give you plenty of satiety; Consume good fats like extra virgin olive oil, chestnuts, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, chia seeds, flaxseed, sesame and fatty fish like sardines, tuna and salmon; Practice physical activity daily, because it helps to release endorphins in the brain, hormones that confer a sense of well-being, relax, improve mood and decrease anxiety and the desire to eat.

However, if symptoms of constant hunger persist, it is important to consult an endocrinologist to assess possible hormonal changes or the presence of any disease.

Watch in the video below everything you can do to not get hungry:

Excessive hunger: what can be and how to control