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Conde fruit, also known as ata fruit, pinecone, pineapple, pine tree, lime tree or lent is a delicious fruit with a sweet taste that can be used to make tea, juice, to consume natural, roasted or cooked.

Benefits of Earl Fruit

In addition to being tasty, having few calories and being a source of B vitamins, the benefits of the fruit of the earl include mainly fighting constipation because it has fibers that help regulate the intestine.

Other benefits of earl fruit can be:

  • Help lower cholesterol because in addition to fiber there is no fat, Combat skin aging because it has vitamin C, Decrease tiredness because it is rich in B vitamins, Help you lose weight because it is a low calorie fruit, without fat and with fibers that decrease appetite.

In addition to these benefits, the seeds of this fruit are also used to loosen the intestine. But the earliest fruit should not be confused with atemoia, as they are very similar. Find out the differences and see all the benefits of atemoia here.

Nutritional Information of Fruta-do-conde

Components Quantity per 100 g of Fruit-of-the-Count
Energy 69 calories
Proteins 2.8 g
Fats 0 g
Carbohydrates 14.24 g
Fibers 2.4 g
Vitamin A (retinol) 1 mcg
Vitamin B1 63 mcg
Vitamin B2 167 mcg
Vitamin B3 1.28 mg
Vitamin B6 0.2 mg
Vitamin C 28.1 mg
Calcium 27 mg
Phosphor 46 mg

The earl's fruit is from the same family as the soursop. Learn more about soursop at: Soursop Benefits.

Count fruit