Home Symptoms Gastroenteritis: what it is and how to treat

Gastroenteritis: what it is and how to treat


Gastroenteritis is an inflammation in the stomach that can be caused by viruses or bacteria, being called viral gastroenteritis and bacterial gastroenteritis, respectively, by the ingestion of any toxic substance or side effect of some medication, being called acute gastroenteritis.

The classic symptoms of gastroenteritis are diarrhea, with or without blood, and vomiting, and the intake of many fluids is recommended to prevent dehydration. In addition, it is recommended to follow a diet suitable for gastroenteritis, rich non-whole grains, teas and fruits that have a lot of water, such as watermelon and melon.

Symptoms of Gastroenteritis

If you think you may have gastroenteritis, select your symptoms to find out what the risk is:

  1. 1. Constant diarrhea Yes No
  2. 2. Bloody stools Yes No
  3. 3. Abdominal pain or frequent cramps Yes No
  4. 4. Nausea and vomiting Yes No
  5. 5. General malaise and tiredness Yes No
  6. 6. Fever below 38ยบ C Yes No
  7. 7. Loss of appetite Yes No

Dehydration is one of the worst consequences of gastroenteritis, which is especially serious and fatal in children and the very sick or elderly. Thus, it is important to drink plenty of water, juices or teas to replace the amount of liquid and minerals lost in the gastroenteritis crisis. Find out what are the symptoms of dehydration.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of gastroenteritis involves a lot of rest and replacement of fluids with oral rehydration salts or homemade serum, water and coconut water. In some more severe cases, this fluid replacement can be done directly in the vein, in the hospital, for faster stabilization of the patient.

Food should be light and easy to digest to provide the necessary nutrients, without causing vomiting or diarrhea. It is important to avoid fried foods, coffee and foods that cause gas to relieve the symptoms of gastroenteritis and improve inflation. Find out how the gastroenteritis diet is made.

The consumption of drugs to stop vomiting and diarrhea should only be done with the recommendation of the gastroenterologist, as this can worsen the patient's condition, since some drugs can cause stomach irritation. However, there are some special supplements called probiotics that help to regulate bacterial flora, being a way to speed up recovery.

Watch the video and see how to prepare homemade serum:

Gastroenteritis: what it is and how to treat