Home Bulls Metadoxyl



Metadoxil is a medication used in case of liver alcohol intoxication. Metatadoxil, pyridoxine pidolate , is produced by the Boldacci laboratory, Metadoxil works by reducing blood alcohol levels and the time of exposure of the tissue to the harmful action of alcohol, facilitating metabolism and increasing the elimination of alcohol and its toxic metabolite, acetaldehyde, in the urine.

Metadoxil Price

The price of the box with 30 coated tablets of 500 mg of Metadoxil for oral use, varies between 30 and 40 reais.

Indications for Metadoxil

Fatty liver and alcoholic hepatitis. It can be used at the beginning of the treatment of alcoholics.

Side effects of Metadoxil

Gastric disorders and rash.

Contraindications for Metadoxil

During pregnancy, lactation, in case of allergy to any of the components of the formula. Use with caution in case of individuals with Parkinson's being treated with L-Dopa as it may decrease the effectiveness of this medication.

How to use Metadoxil

  • Acute alcoholism: 1 to 4 pills a day; Chronic alcoholism: 2 to 3 pills a day.