Home Bulls What is dermographism, symptoms and treatment options

What is dermographism, symptoms and treatment options


Dermographism, also called dermographic urticaria or physical urticaria, is a type of skin allergy characterized by swelling after stimulation caused by a scratch or contact of objects or clothing with the skin, which may be accompanied by itching and redness around the site.

People who have this type of allergy show an exaggerated immune response from the body after pressure on the skin, with a reaction in the same format as the stimulus caused. Although there is no cure, crises can be prevented by avoiding the causative agents, and it is possible to relieve symptoms with the use of anti-allergic remedies.

Symptoms of dermographism

Symptoms usually appear about 10 minutes after the stimulus, and last for about 15 to 20 minutes, however, they can last longer, according to the severity of the disease and the type of immune reaction of the person. The main ones include:

  • Appearance of marks on the skin, white or reddish; Swelling of the affected area; There may be itching; There may be redness and heat in the surrounding skin.

The lesions tend to be more intense at night and, moreover, they happen more easily during situations such as physical activity, stress, hot baths or the use of certain medications, such as penicillin, anti-inflammatories or codeine, for example.

To diagnose dermographism, the dermatologist can do a test, applying pressure on the skin, with an instrument called a dermograph or with another object that has a thick tip.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of dermographism is not always necessary, as the symptoms usually appear occasionally, and disappear without the need for medication. However, in cases where the symptoms are intense or persistent, the use of antihistamine drugs, such as Desloratadine or Cetirizine, may be recommended.

In more severe cases, in which the person feels psychologically affected by the disease, anxiolytic or antidepressant medications can be used, according to medical advice.

Natural treatment

A great natural treatment to relieve the symptoms of dermographism is the use of refreshing skin lotions, made with 1% Menthol or Lavender essential oil. Check out a recipe for home remedy for irritated skin.

Other natural ways to control the attacks of this allergy are:

  • Have an anti-inflammatory diet, rich in fish, seeds, fruits, vegetables and green tea; Avoid foods with additives, such as preservatives, salicylates and dyes; Avoid using certain drugs that increase the body's immune response, such as anti-inflammatories, AAS, codeine and morphine, for example; Avoid situations of emotional stress; Prefer fresh and comfortable clothes, and avoid excessive heat; Avoid hot baths; Decrease consumption of alcoholic beverages.

In addition, it is possible to do homeopathic treatment for dermographism , known as Histaminum, which can help control the onset of allergy symptoms on the skin.

Who has dermographism can get a tattoo?

Although there is no formal contraindication for tattooing in people with dermographism, in general, it is recommended to avoid, as it is not possible to predict the intensity of the allergic reaction that the person will develop, since the tattoo is a quite procedure aggressive.

Thus, even though dermography alone does not alter the skin's healing capacity, there may be an intense allergic reaction after the tattoo, which can be very uncomfortable, cause severe itching and cause a greater risk of infection.

Therefore, before getting a tattoo, the person with the dermographism is advised to talk to the dermatologist, who will assess the severity of the disease and the type of reaction that the skin presents, and can then provide more specific guidelines.

What is dermographism, symptoms and treatment options