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Retinal detachment: symptoms, causes and surgery


Retinal detachment is an emergency situation in which the retina is detached from its correct position. When this happens, a part of the retina ceases to have contact with the layer of blood vessels at the back of the eye, so the retina stops receiving the necessary amount of blood and oxygen, which can result in tissue death and blindness.

Generally, retinal detachment is more frequent after age 50, due to aging, however, it can also occur in young patients who have suffered blows to the head or eye, who have diabetes or who have eye problems, such as glaucoma.

Detachment of the retina is curable through surgery, but treatment should be started as soon as possible to prevent the retina from being without oxygen for a long time, resulting in permanent complications. Therefore, whenever retinal detachment is suspected, it is very important to go immediately to the ophthalmologist or hospital.

Eye with detached retina

Main symptoms

Symptoms that may indicate retinal detachment are:

  • Small dark spots, similar to hair strands, that appear in the field of vision; Flashes of light that appear suddenly; Sensation of pain or discomfort in the eye; Very blurred vision; Dark shadow that covers a part of the field of vision.

These symptoms usually appear before the retinal detachment and, therefore, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist immediately to have a complete examination of the eye and to start the appropriate treatment, avoiding serious complications, such as blindness.

See what can be small spots floating in the field of view.

How to confirm the diagnosis

In most cases the diagnosis can be made by the ophthalmologist only through an eye exam, in which it is possible to observe the back of the eye, however, other diagnostic tests, such as an ocular ultrasound or fundus, may also be necessary.

Thus, the best way to confirm the presence of a retinal detachment is to consult an ophthalmologist.

Why retinal detachment happens

Detachment of the retina occurs when the vitreous, which is a type of gel found inside the eye, manages to escape and accumulates between the retina and the back of the eye. This is more common with advancing age and, therefore, retinal detachment is more frequent in people over 50, but it can also happen in young people who have:

  • Done some type of eye surgery; suffered an eye injury; frequent inflammation of the eye.

In these cases, the retina may become thinner and thinner and eventually break, allowing the vitreous to accumulate behind and cause a detachment.

When surgery is necessary

Surgery is the only form of treatment for retinal detachment and, therefore, surgery must be performed whenever the diagnosis of retinal dislocation is confirmed.

Depending on whether there is already a retinal detachment or if there is only a retinal tear, the type of surgery may vary:

  • Laser: the ophthalmologist applies a laser to the retina that heals small tears that may have appeared; Cryopexy: the doctor applies anesthesia to the eye and then with the help of a small device freezes the outer membrane of the eye, to close any fissures in the retina; Injection of air or gas in the eye: it is done under anesthesia and, in this type of surgery, the doctor removes the vitreous that is accumulated behind the retina. Then inject air or gas into the eye to take the place of the vitreous and push the retina into place. After a while, the retina heals and the air, or gas, is absorbed and replaced with a new amount of vitreous.

In the postoperative period of surgery for retinal detachment, it is common to experience some discomfort, redness and swelling in the eye, especially in the first 7 days. That way, the doctor usually prescribes eye drops to relieve symptoms until the referral visit.

The recovery of retinal detachment depends on the severity of the detachment, and in the most severe cases, in which there has been detachment of the central part of the retina, the recovery time may take several weeks and the vision may not be the same as it was before.

Retinal detachment: symptoms, causes and surgery