Graves' disease is a thyroid disease characterized by excess hormones of this gland in the body, causing hyperthyroidism. It is an autoimmune disease, which means that the body's antibodies end up attacking the thyroid and altering its functioning.
This disease is the main cause of hyperthyroidism, and affects more women than men, especially between the ages of 20 and 50, although it can occur at any age.
Graves' disease is treated and can be well controlled, and the treatment option is indicated by the doctor, including the use of medicines, such as Propiltiouracil and Metimazole, radioactive iodine therapies or thyroid surgery. Generally, it is not said that there is a cure for Graves' disease, however, it is possible that the disease will go into remission, staying "asleep" for many years or for a lifetime.
Main symptoms
The symptoms presented in Graves' disease depend on the severity and duration of the disease, and on the age and sensitivity of the patient to the excess of hormones, usually appearing:
- Hyperactivity, nervousness and irritability; Excessive heat and sweat; Heart palpitations; Weight loss, even with increased appetite; Diarrhea; Excessive urine; Irregular menstruation and loss of libido; Tremor, with wet and hot skin; Goiter, which is enlargement of the thyroid, causing swelling in the lower part of the throat; muscle weakness; gynecomastia, which is the growth of breasts in men; changes in the eyes, such as protruding eyes, itching, tearing and double vision; skin lesions like pink plaques located in body regions, also known as Graves' dermopathy or pre-tibial myxedema.
In the elderly, signs and symptoms may be more subtle, and may manifest with excessive tiredness and weight loss, which can be confused with other diseases.
Although Graves' disease is the main cause of hyperthyroidism, it is important to be aware that overproduction of thyroid hormones can be caused by other problems, so see how to identify the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and the main causes.
How to confirm the diagnosis
The diagnosis of Graves' disease is made through the evaluation of the symptoms presented, blood tests to measure the amount of thyroid hormones, such as TSH and T4, and immunology tests, to see if there are antibodies in the blood against the thyroid.
In addition, the doctor may order tests such as thyroid scintigraphy, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, including to assess the functioning of other organs, such as the eyes and heart. Here's how to prepare for thyroid scintigraphy.
How the treatment is done
The treatment of Graves' disease is indicated by the endocrinologist, guided according to the clinical condition of each person. It can be done in 3 ways:
- Use of antithyroid drugs, such as Methimazole or Propylthiouracil, which will decrease the production of thyroid hormones and antibodies that attack this gland; Use of radioactive iodine, which causes destruction of thyroid cells, which ends up decreasing its production of hormones; Surgery, which removes part of the thyroid to decrease its production of hormones, being done only in patients with the disease resistant to treatment with drugs.
Medications that control the heartbeat, such as Propranolol or Atenolol can be useful to control palpitations, tremors and tachycardia.
In addition, patients with severe eye symptoms may need to use eye drops and ointments to relieve discomfort and moisturize the eyes, and it is also necessary to stop smoking and wear sunglasses with side protection.
See how food can help in the following video:
It is not often said about curing serious illness, but there may be spontaneous remission of the illness in some people or after a few months or years of treatment, but there is always a chance that the disease will come back.
Pregnancy Treatment
During pregnancy, this disease should be treated with the minimum doses of medication and, if possible, discontinue the use of medications in the last trimester, since antibody levels tend to improve at the end of pregnancy.
However, special attention is needed to the disease during this stage of life because, when at high levels, thyroid hormones and drugs are able to cross the placenta and cause toxicity to the fetus.