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6 Attitudes to cure depression faster


Depression can be cured, however, as its causes have not yet been fully clarified, there is no formula, but several alternatives that can be used for each case, to modify the brain response and improve mood.

It is a psychiatric disorder, in which depressed mood and loss of desire, associated with other symptoms, such as changes in sleep, appetite, tiredness and guilt, interfere with the person's daily life. There are factors that influence the development of depression, such as genetic or hereditary causes, and environmental causes, such as a stressful time in life or the loss of someone important, for example. To better understand the symptoms and causes of this disease, see how to differentiate sadness from depression.

Thus, to cure a condition of depression, there are treatment alternatives, which can be done separately or together, but the best type, the time needed and the doses used can vary according to each person. In addition, in cases of suspicion, it is always important to seek help from a psychiatrist, who will define the type of treatment needed.

1. Use of medicines

Antidepressants are drugs used to replace neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which are usually reduced in depression. The use of medicines is indicated mainly in moderate and severe cases, and should be used regularly, otherwise it can be very difficult to recover from the disease.

The main antidepressants used to treat depression are:

Antidepressant class Some generic names Side effects
Tricyclic antidepressants Imipramine, Clomipramine, Amitriptyline or Nortriptyline Dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, delusions, drowsiness, low blood pressure and dizziness on rising
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Citalopram, Escitalopram, Sertraline or Trazodone Feeling sick, dry mouth, drowsiness, excessive sweating, tremors, constipation, headache and ejaculation problems
Intake inhibitors or increased serotonin and norepinephrine activity Venlafaxine, Desvenlafaxine, Duloxetine or Mirtazapine Dry mouth, insomnia, nervousness, tremor, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, ejaculation problems, excessive sweating and blurred vision
Monoaminoxidase inhibitors Seleginine, Pargyline, Phenelzine or Toloxatone Increased pressure, postural hypotension, weight gain, insomnia

The drugs will take effect in about 2 to 6 weeks, and the treatment time can also vary from person to person, being, in some cases, necessary for only a short period, such as 6 months, as it may also be necessary for many years. What will help the doctor to determine the time of treatment, dose and type of medicine is the improvement of symptoms and the way the person is reacting to the treatment.

In addition, the use of medication alone may not be enough to cure depression, and it is important that the person works on their psychological side, through conversations, psychotherapy sessions and activities that encourage self-awareness, for example.

2. Psychotherapy sessions

Psychotherapy is done by a psychologist or psychotherapist, and it is important to help in the resolution of emotional difficulties, stimulating the person's self-knowledge and the resolution of internal conflicts. It is essential, even when the person already uses medicines, as it helps to reorganize thoughts and stimulate feelings and feelings of joy.

Psychotherapy sessions are usually held 8, 4 or 2 times a month, for example, depending on the needs of each person.

3. Electroconvulsive therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy consists of brain electroshock procedures, in a controlled and painless way, that facilitate the reorganization of brain activity. It is a type of treatment performed for cases of severe depression, in which there was no improvement with the other treatments available.

4. New therapies

There are more recent therapies, which have shown good results for the treatment of depression in people who do not improve with other forms of treatment. Among them are transcranial magnetic stimulation, vagus nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation.

These are forms of stimulation and reorganization of brain activity, through the implantation of small stimulating electrodes, capable of also treating several neurological diseases, such as depression, epilepsy or Parkinson's, for example.

See how it is done and what diseases can be treated with deep brain stimulation.

5. Alternative therapies

There are more natural ways that are great allies to complement the treatment of depression, but that should not replace the treatment guided by the doctor. Among them are:

  • Acupuncture: can relieve several symptoms associated with this disease, such as pain, anxiety and insomnia; Meditation: provides self-knowledge and control of feelings, which can improve confidence and self-esteem; Physical activity: regular exercise helps to release hormones such as serotonin and endorphins, which are essential in the treatment of depression, in addition to improving well-being. Group exercise, as a sport, can have even more benefits, due to the improvement of social life; Reiki: is a technique that provides relaxation and well-being, and can be useful to combat symptoms of depression; Antidepressant nutrition: there are foods, such as bananas, peanuts, oats and milk, which increase levels of tryptophan and other substances, such as magnesium, which stimulate the production of well-being hormones. Find out which foods help you get out of depression.

In addition, it is recommended to invest in hobbies such as music, reading and group activities, for example, as these are activities that improve self-esteem and self-confidence, being important steps to cure depression. See more tips on how to improve self-esteem.

6. Treat other causes of depression

There are some diseases that can cause or increase the chances of having a depression, such as hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or post-stroke, for example, therefore, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate treatment of them so that it is possible to fight the symptoms.

In addition, there are also remedies that may be used to treat other problems and that induce a depressed mood, such as Propranolol, Simvastatin and Phenobarbital, for example. Therefore, if there are symptoms of depression due to the use of any medication, it is important to talk to the doctor who is monitoring to discuss the possibility of changing the treatment.

How long does depression treatment last?

There is no predefined time for treating depression, so some people get better after a few months, while others need to treat it for years. This usually depends on the cause and severity of the disease, as well as the person's ability and willingness to follow treatment correctly. Some tips to enhance the treatment of depression, and allow a faster cure, are:

  • Do not keep the same medication, if there is no improvement after 6 weeks: this is the time needed for any medication to take effect, so if in this period no improvement has been noticed, it is important to talk to the psychiatrist to increase the dose or, in some cases, change the type of medicine; Make reassessments with the psychiatrist: it is important to have follow-up consultations with the doctor at predetermined times, every 3 or 6 months, for example, so that the symptoms and the need to adjust the doses are reassessed; Seeking help: it is more difficult to overcome depression alone, so it is essential to talk to a friend, family member, psychologist or doctor whenever you are not well, or you notice worsening of symptoms; Set goals: adopt a goal or goal to achieve, like starting a new project, job or activity, as they can be attitudes that help to give meaning to life.

In addition, it is important to develop a spirituality, as being a witty person does not necessarily mean being religious, but having an attitude of believing that there is a special reason to be alive and enjoy the moments, thus giving a more special meaning to life.

See other tips on what you can do while treating depression.

6 Attitudes to cure depression faster