Home Symptoms What is typhoid fever, transmission and prevention

What is typhoid fever, transmission and prevention


Typhoid fever is an infectious disease that can be transmitted through the consumption of water and food contaminated with Salmonella typhi , which is the etiological agent of typhoid fever, causing symptoms such as high fever, lack of appetite, enlarged spleen and red spots on the skin.

The treatment of typhoid fever can be done with antibiotics, rest and fluid intake to hydrate the patient. The vaccine against typhoid fever is the best way to prevent the disease and is indicated for individuals who are going to travel to the regions where the disease is frequent.

Typhoid fever is related to low socioeconomic levels, mainly with poor sanitation and personal and environmental hygiene conditions, and typhoid fever in Brazil is more frequent in states where conditions are more precarious.

Typhoid and paratyphoid fever are similar diseases with the same symptoms and treatment, however, paratyphoid fever is caused by the bacteria Salmonella paratyphi A, B or C and is generally less severe. Typhoid fever and typhus are different diseases, since typhus is an infectious disease caused by the Rickettsia bacteria, which is transmitted through the bite of an infected insect, such as lice, fleas or ticks or through contamination by the feces of an infected insect. Learn more about Typhus.

Typhoid fever symptoms

The images show one of the typical symptoms of typhoid fever, the red spots on the shoulder, chest and abdomen.

Symptoms of typhoid fever include:

  • High fever; Chills; Belly pain; Constipation or diarrhea; Headache; Malaise; Enlarged spleen; Loss of appetite; Dry cough; Reddish spots on the skin, which disappear when pressed.

Symptoms of typhoid fever can, in some cases, resemble infections of the respiratory tract and meningitis. The incubation period for the disease is 1 to 3 weeks, and the person may have typhoid fever several times throughout life.

The diagnosis of typhoid fever can be made through blood and stool tests.

Typhoid vaccine

The typhoid vaccine is the most effective option for preventing typhoid fever. It is indicated for individuals who are going to travel to regions where the disease is frequent.

Bearing in mind that the vaccine does not fully protect the individual from having typhoid fever, it is important to adopt other preventive measures, such as before drinking, boiling or filtering the water, use mineral water even to brush your teeth, perform personal hygiene care daily, avoid going to places with poor hygiene conditions, wash your hands before preparing food and after going to the bathroom and have basic sanitation.

Transmission of typhoid fever

Typhoid fever transmission is usually done as follows:

  • Through the ingestion of water and food, which have been contaminated with faeces or urine from an individual sick with typhoid fever; Through direct contact through the hands, with the hands of a carrier of typhoid fever.

Vegetables, fruits and vegetables washed with contaminated water can also cause the disease, and even foods that have already been frozen are not safe, because the low temperature is not able to eliminate salmonella .

See also how to wash vegetables well

How to treat typhoid fever

Typically, the treatment of typhoid fever can be done at home with the administration of antibiotics, prescribed by the doctor, such as chloramphenicol, in addition to rest, a diet low in calories and fat and fluid intake for the patient to stay hydrated. In the most severe cases, it may be necessary for the individual to be hospitalized to be monitored and receive serum and antibiotics through the vein.

It is advisable to drink plenty of filtered water or tea to stay hydrated, foods high in fat and sugar should be avoided. To lower the fever, several baths can be taken throughout the day, in addition to taking paracetamol or dipyrone at the recommended times. Laxatives should not be taken to loosen the intestine or consume foods that hold the intestine in case of diarrhea.

Check out natural ways to lower your fever

After the 5th day, the individual may no longer show symptoms, but still contain the bacteria in the body. The individual can remain with the bacteria for up to 4 months, which happens in more than 1/4 of the patients, or for more than 1 year, a more rare situation, so it is essential to use the bathroom properly and keep your hands always clean.

When left untreated, typhoid fever can lead to serious complications for the individual, such as hemorrhage, bowel perforation, general infection, coma and even death.

What is typhoid fever, transmission and prevention