Home Symptoms Risks of drinking untreated or tap water

Risks of drinking untreated or tap water


The consumption of untreated water, also called raw water, can give rise to symptoms and some diseases, such as diarrhea, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, leptospirosis, cholera and intestinal infections caused by E. coli , Salmonella sp ., Rotavirus or Norovirus, for example.

This is because bacteria grow easily in water and, although this is easier to do in polluted rivers and lakes, water from crystalline sources can also become contaminated by some specific type of bacteria. Learn more about how to identify and treat diseases caused by contaminated water.

How to know if the water is contaminated

It can be suspected that the water is contaminated, and therefore it is unfit for consumption, when:

  • It is not known where it came from; It looks dirty, cloudy or muddy; It has some smell; Small particles of dirt are suspended in the water; It is not properly transparent, having a yellowish, orange or brownish color.

However, the water can also appear to be clean and still be contaminated, and it is always best to opt for filtered water or bottled mineral water, which has been subjected to quality tests.

In suspicious waters, the Ministry of Health recommends using a simple strategy, which are the water filters you can have at home or add a substance called sodium hypochlorite.

Signs of contaminated water consumption

If contaminated water is ingested, some symptoms may appear, such as fever and chills, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea, for example.

In these cases, you should go to the health center or hospital to identify what is happening and to start the appropriate treatment. In addition, self-medication should be avoided and only good drinking water or mineral water should be consumed to prevent dehydration, which can also become severe and can lead to death. See which signs of dehydration to watch out for.

How to purify water to drink

To make contaminated water good for drinking, a solution called sodium hypochlorite must be used, which is bought in pharmacies and supermarkets, but which is also distributed by the government. Just drop 2 to 4 drops of sodium hypochlorite for every 1 liter of water and wait 30 minutes to be able to consume this water. See more details about sodium hypochlorite.

Boiling the water for 1 minute also helps to purify the water, but it does not solve the problem and therefore does not exclude the use of hypochlorite. In addition, in case of contamination with mercury, water should not be boiled because the mercury can pass into the air, increasing the risk of contamination.

Hypochlorite to purify water

These strategies are especially suitable for purifying waters that are contaminated with viruses, bacteria and faecal coliforms, which can happen in cistern waters, artesian wells, small wells and in case of contamination with rainwater. However, in case of flooding, the best strategy is not to use dirty and muddy water because the mud is more difficult to eliminate.

The water contaminated by the mud can be used through a process called decantation, which usually happens in water treatment companies in cities. A coagulant that can be used to remove sludge from water is the black wattle polymer, an organic product that does not harm health. This substance can separate the water from the mud, but after this process, the water still needs to be properly treated.

Check out all the homemade methods to purify water at home.

Risks of drinking untreated or tap water