Home Bulls 5 Possible causes of hypoglycemia

5 Possible causes of hypoglycemia


Hypoglycemia is the sharp drop in blood sugar levels and is one of the most serious complications of treating diabetes, especially type 1, although it can also happen in healthy people. This situation, if not properly treated, can even lead to coma or irreversible brain damage.

Its main causes include:

  1. Stay more than 3 hours without eating; Do a lot of physical activity without eating; Consume alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach; Use medications that can lower blood sugar such as Aspirin, Biguanide and Metformin, without doctor's guidance; Do not take insulin in dose or at the correct time.

Diabetics who need to take insulin or other oral hypoglycemic drugs before dinner can suffer from nocturnal hypoglycemia, which is silent and affects about 70% of patients with type 1 diabetes.

Medicinal plants that can cause hypoglycemia

Some medicinal plants that can cause hypoglycemia are:

  • São Caetano melon ( Momordica charantia ) Black stew or Lyon-bean ( Mucuna pruriens ) Jambolão ( Syzygium alternifolium ) Aloe vera (Aloe vera ) White mallow ( Sida cordifolia L. ) Cinnamon ( Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees ) Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus globulus Labill ) Ginseng ( Panax ginseng ) Artemisia ( Artemisia santonicum L. )

The consumption of any of these plants during the treatment of type 1 diabetes can cause uncontrolled blood glucose and therefore, whenever you want a natural treatment against diabetes or whenever you need to have a tea you should talk to your doctor to prevent sugar levels in the blood go too low.

Remedies that can cause hypoglycemia

Here are some examples of oral hypoglycemic remedies that are indicated for the treatment of diabetes, but that when used in the wrong dose can cause hypoglycemia:

Tolbutamide (Artrosin, Diaval) Metformin
Glibenclamide (Glionil, Glyphormin) Glipizide (Luditec, Minodiab)
Glicazide (Diamicron) Obinese

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

Symptoms of hypoglycemia usually begin to manifest when blood glucose is below 60 mg / dl, and may appear:

  • Dizziness; Blurred or blurred vision; Too hungry and Too much sleep or extreme tiredness.

These symptoms occur because the brain runs out of energy, which is glucose. When hypoglycemia reaches very low values ​​such as 40mg / dl it becomes severe, requiring medical help because lethargy, seizures and fainting appear that put the person's life at risk.

This severe decrease in blood sugar can be identified through the symptoms that the person has and is confirmed by a glucometer, with a result equal to or less than 70 mg / dl.

What to do in case of hypoglycemia

What to do in case of hypoglycemia is to offer something for the individual to eat immediately. It can be a glass of sugar water, a natural orange juice or a sweet cookie, for example. After a few minutes the individual should feel better and then should have a complete meal and should not stay more than 3 hours without eating anything, but it is advisable to consume foods with a low glycemic index such as fruits and whole grains in all meals. so that the individual does not only eat "bullshit" and becomes anemic and overweight.

5 Possible causes of hypoglycemia