Home Symptoms Depersonalization disorder

Depersonalization disorder


Depersonalization disorder, or depersonification syndrome, is a disease in which the person feels disconnected from his own body, as if he were an external observer of himself. It is common that there are also symptoms of lack of realization, which means a change in the perception of the environment that surrounds it, as if everything around it is unreal or artificial.

This syndrome can appear suddenly or gradually, and although it can appear in healthy people, in situations of stress, intense tiredness or drug use, it is very associated with psychiatric diseases, such as depression, anxiety disorders or schizophrenia, or neurological diseases. such as epilepsy, migraine or brain damage.

To treat depersonification disorder, it is necessary to follow up with a psychiatrist, who will guide the use of medicines such as antidepressants and anxiolytics, as well as psychotherapy.

Main symptoms

In depersonalization and derealization disorder, the person processes his emotions in an altered way, developing symptoms such as:

  1. Feeling that you are an external observer of your body or that the body does not belong to you; Notion that you are separated from yourself and the environment; Feeling of strangeness; Looking in the mirror and not recognizing yourself; Being in doubt if some things really happened to them or whether they just dreamed or imagined these things. Being somewhere and not knowing how you got there or having done something and not remembering how; Not recognizing some family members or not remembering important life events; Not having emotions or being able to feel pain at certain times; as if they were two different people, because they change their behavior a lot from one situation to another; feeling as if everything is blurred, in such a way that people and things seem to be far or unclear, as if they were daydreaming.

Thus, in this syndrome, the person may have the feeling that he is daydreaming or that what he is experiencing is not real, so it is common for this syndrome to be confused with supernatural events.

The onset of the disorder can be sudden or gradual, and other psychiatric symptoms such as mood changes, anxiety and other psychiatric disorders are common. In certain cases, depersonalization can present single episodes, for months or years and, subsequently, it becomes continuous.

How to confirm

In case of symptoms that indicate depersonalization disorder, it is necessary to consult with the psychiatrist, who can confirm the diagnosis by assessing the intensity and frequency of these symptoms.

It is important to remember that it is not uncommon for some of the symptoms that indicate this syndrome to happen in isolation, at one time or another, however, if they are persistent or always happen, it is necessary to be concerned.

Who is most at risk

Depersonalization syndrome is more common in people who have the following risk factors:

  • Depression; Panic syndrome; Schizophrenia; Neurological diseases such as epilepsy, brain tumor or migraine; Intense stress; Emotional abuse; Long periods of sleep deprivation; Childhood trauma, especially physical and psychological abuse or abuse.

In addition, this disorder can also be derived from the consumption of drugs, such as cannabis or other hallucinogenic drugs. It is important to remember that drugs, in general, are very associated with the development of psychiatric illnesses. Understand what are the types of drugs and their health consequences.

How the treatment is done

Depersonalization disorder is curable, and its treatment is guided by a psychiatrist and psychologist. Psychotherapy is the main form of treatment, and includes psychoanalysis techniques and cognitive-behavioral therapies, for example, which are very important for controlling emotions and reducing symptoms.

The psychiatrist may also be able to prescribe medications that help control anxiety and mood changes, with anxiolytic or antidepressant medications, such as Clonazepam, Fluoxetine or Clomipramine, for example.

Depersonalization disorder