- How to treat uncomplicated diverticulitis
- How to treat complicated diverticulitis
- When surgery is indicated
- Natural food and treatment
The treatment for acute diverticulitis is done with a liquid diet or fasting, in addition to the use of antibiotics, such as Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacino, to reduce inflammation and infection in the large intestine.
This treatment can even be carried out at home, however, when there is a complicated crisis of diverticulitis, with abscess formation, fistula or bowel obstruction, for example, it may be necessary to have a drainage surgery or removal of the secretion. inflamed part of the intestine, by the general surgeon or coloproctologist.
Diverticulitis is characterized by inflammation of the diverticula, which are small pockets that form in the intestine, which is diverticulosis, usually due to a low fiber diet and constipation. This inflammation can cause symptoms such as pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, constipation or diarrhea. Learn more about what causes it and how to identify diverticulitis.
How to treat uncomplicated diverticulitis
To treat acute, uncomplicated diverticulitis, it is necessary to deflate the intestine by fasting or have a liquid, waste-free diet. The antibiotic is also usually needed, Metronidazole and Ciprofloxacino, for 7 to 10 days, as they are effective in controlling infection by bacteria in the intestine.
When the symptoms are not very intense and there is no suspicion of a complicated diverticulitis, the treatment can be done at home, with pills in medicine. In addition to the antibiotic, the doctor can guide the use of remedies for seasickness, such as Metoclopramide and for abdominal pain, such as Hyoscin and Dipyrone, for example.
The doctor will also schedule a reassessment after about 5 days, however, if symptoms such as fever and pain in the belly get worse or become very intense during treatment, it is necessary to go to the emergency room.
How to treat complicated diverticulitis
Complicated acute diverticulitis is treated in the hospital with the use of antibiotics in the vein, which may require a surgical procedure. In case of an abscess, the surgeon can drain the accumulated secretion through a puncture.
In more serious situations, with large abscesses, fistula, heavy bleeding, perforation or intestinal obstruction, for example, it may be necessary to perform surgery to remove the inflamed part of the intestine.
Complications of diverticulitis usually happen when it takes too long to start treatment or when it is done incorrectly. Some people may not experience severe symptoms, as can happen with elderly people, which interferes with the diagnosis and the beginning of treatment.
When surgery is indicated
Surgery to remove part of the colon due to diverticulitis is indicated in cases of:
- Complicated acute diverticulitis; Recurrent diverticulitis, that is, that happens more than once in the same person; Diverticulitis in people with weakened immunity, such as transplant recipients, HIV carriers or kidney failure, for example, because new infections can put the lives of these people at risk.
Surgery can be performed by videolaparoscopy or conventional open surgery, performed in the operating room and under general anesthesia. The time of surgery is very variable, and depends on the degree of inflammation of diverticulitis and the amount of bowel removed. Generally, the person is discharged in about 3 days, and must recover at home, with medicines to relieve pain and discomfort, such as Dipirona, prescribed by the doctor, and following the diet guided by the hospital's nutritionist.
Natural food and treatment
In a case of diverticulitis, the diet is guided by a doctor and nutritionist, because for about 3 days, it is necessary to follow a liquid diet without residues, or fasting, to reduce the initial inflammation.
After treatment, the person should follow a diet that stimulates the proper functioning of the intestine, rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Thus, in addition to preventing the formation of new diverticula in the intestine, it will also hinder new inflammation.
Watch in the video which foods to avoid and which ones to eat:
In addition, a great natural treatment for those who have diverticula, but without being in a crisis of diverticulitis, is to increase the consumption of probiotic foods, such as Activia, Yakult or Kefir yogurts, for example, as they protect the intestinal mucosa, regulate the intestine and strengthen the immune system.
Discover other diet and menu options to treat and prevent diverticulitis.