Home Bulls How is the post-operative of phimosis surgery and possible risks

How is the post-operative of phimosis surgery and possible risks


Phimosis surgery, also called circumcision or postectomy, aims to remove excess skin from the penis and is done not only to prevent cancer of the penis, but also to prevent urinary infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

Phimosis surgery is performed under general or local anesthesia and is a safe and simple method performed by a urologist or pediatric surgeon, being commonly indicated for boys between 7 and 10 years of age, but it can also be performed in adolescence, although recovery may be more painful.

How is recovery

The recovery from postectomy surgery is relatively quick and in about 10 days there is no pain or bleeding, but until the 8th day there may be a little discomfort and bleeding resulting from the erections that can occur during sleep and that is why it is recommended perform this surgery in childhood, as it is an easier situation to control.

After surgery, the doctor may recommend changing the dressing the next morning, removing the gauze carefully and then washing the area with soap and water, taking care not to bleed. At the end, apply the anesthetic ointment recommended by the doctor and cover with sterile gauze, so that it is always dry. The stitches are usually removed on the 8th day. Know some ointment options for phimosis.

To recover faster from circumcision it is recommended:

  • Avoid efforts in the first 3 days, and should rest; Place an ice bag in place to reduce swelling or when it hurts; Take the painkillers prescribed by the doctor correctly; Do not have sex for at least 1 month after surgery.

After this period of rest and care, the man can observe the final result of the surgery, making it easier to check his glans.

Possible risks of this surgery

This surgery, when performed in a hospital environment, has few health risks, being well tolerated and of fast recovery. However, although it is rare, complications such as bleeding, infection, narrowing of the urethral meatus, excessive or insufficient removal of the foreskin and foreskin asymmetry may appear, with possible need for further surgery.

Benefits of having surgery

Postectomy aims to remove the excess skin that covers the penis, called the foreskin, facilitating the exposure of the glans. Performing this procedure has some benefits for male health, such as:

  • Greater ease in performing intimate hygiene, completely removing the smegma, which is a secretion that accumulates between the skin and the glans; Decreased risk of genital infection; Decreased risk of urinary infection; Prevention of penile cancer; Decreased risk sexually transmitted diseases, such as HPV and HIV, for example, however, the surgery does not exempt the need to use condoms in all intimate contact to be completely protected from STDs.

After removing the foreskin, the surgeon places stitches in the region so that recovery is faster and future infections can be avoided. Learn all about phimosis and how it is treated.

How is the post-operative of phimosis surgery and possible risks