Home Medicinal Plants Aroeira: what is it for and how to prepare tea

Aroeira: what is it for and how to prepare tea


The aroeira is a medicinal plant, also known as red aroeira, aroeira-da-praia, aroeira mansa or corneĆ­ba, that can be used as home remedy to treat sexually transmitted diseases and urinary infections in women.

Its scientific name is Schinus terebinthifolius and can be purchased in some health food stores and in pharmacies.

What is Aroeira for

The mastic has astringent, balsamic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, tonic and healing properties, and can be used to assist in the treatment of:

  • Rheumatism; Syphilis; Ulcers; Heartburn; Gastritis; Bronchitis; Tongue; Diarrhea; Cystitis; Toothache; Arthritis; Tendon strain; Infections of the intimate region.

In addition, mastic can be used to reduce fever and the occurrence of cough, for example.

Aroma tea

For therapeutic purposes, the husks are used, especially to make tea, and the other parts of the plant, to prepare baths.


  • 100 g of powder from the aroeira bark, 1 liter of boiling water.

Method of preparation

The tea made from the peels is indicated for those who have stomach problems and, for that, just add the powder of the peel in the boiling water and then take about 3 tablespoons per day.

If the mastic is used to help treat skin diseases, just put 20 g of mastic peels in 1 liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then strain and pass in the region to be treated.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The use of mastic is not indicated for those who have very sensitive skin or who have gastrointestinal problems, as excessive consumption of this plant can have a purgative and laxative effect and trigger allergic reactions in the skin and mucous membranes, being important in these cases only to use Aroeira after indication by the doctor or herbalist.

In addition, consumption by pregnant women is not indicated, as bone changes were noted in a study conducted with rats.

Aroeira: what is it for and how to prepare tea