Home Symptoms What is flunitrazepam (rohypnol) for

What is flunitrazepam (rohypnol) for


Flunitrazepam is a sleep-inducing remedy that works by depressing the central nervous system, inducing sleep a few minutes after ingestion, being used as a short-term treatment, only in cases of severe insomnia, disabling or situations in which the person feels a lot of discomfort.

This medicine is known commercially as Rohydorm or Rohypnol, from the Roche laboratory and can only be purchased with a prescription, as it can cause addiction or be used improperly. Find out how to defend yourself from its misuse by reading the article "Good night Cinderella". The price of Flunitrazepam varies between 10 and 20 reais.

What is it for

Flunitrazepam is a benzodiazepine agonist, which has an anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and sedative effect and induces reduced psychomotor performance, amnesia, muscle relaxation and sleep.

Thus, this remedy is used in the short-term treatment of insomnia. Benzodiazepines are indicated only when insomnia is severe, disabling or subject the individual to extreme discomfort.

How to use

The use of Flunitrazepam in adults consists of ingesting 0.5 to 1 mg daily, and in exceptional cases, the dose may be increased to 2 mg. Treatment should be started with the lowest dose possible and the duration of treatment should be indicated by the doctor due to the risk of this drug causing addiction, but it usually varies from a few days to two weeks, at most 4 weeks, including the period of gradual reduction of the medicine.

In elderly people or patients with liver problems the dose may have to be reduced.

Possible side effects

Side effects of Flunitrazepam include reddish patches on the skin, low blood pressure, angioedema, confusion, changes in sexual appetite, depression, restlessness, agitation, irritability, aggression, delusions, anger, nightmares, hallucinations, inappropriate behavior, daytime sleepiness, pain headache, dizziness, decreased attention, lack of coordination of movements, forgetfulness of recent events, loss of memory, heart failure, double vision, muscle weakness, tiredness and dependence.

Who should not use

Flunitrazepam is contraindicated in children and in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula, severe respiratory failure, severe liver failure, sleep apnea syndrome or myasthenia gravis.

The use of Flunitrazepam in pregnancy and breastfeeding should only be done under medical guidance.

See also some natural ways to treat insomnia.

What is flunitrazepam (rohypnol) for