Home Symptoms Know what care should be taken with the pacemaker

Know what care should be taken with the pacemaker


Despite being a small and simple device, it is important that the patient with a pacemaker rest in the first month after surgery and have regular consultations with the cardiologist to check the operation of the device and change the battery.

In addition, special care is necessary during the daily routine, such as:

  • Use the cell phone in the ear opposite the pacemaker, avoiding placing the phone on the skin covering the device on the chest; Electronic music devices, as well as cell phones, should also be placed 15 cm from the pacemaker; Warn at the airport about the pacemaker, to avoid going through the X-ray. It is important to remember that the X-ray does not interfere with the pacemaker, but it can indicate the presence of metal in the body, being ideal to go through the manual search to avoid problems with the inspection; Warn when entering banks, as the metal detector can also alarm due to the pacemaker; Stay at least 2 meters away from the microwave; Avoid physical shocks and bumps on the device.

In addition to these precautions, the patient with a pacemaker can lead a normal life, having contact with all types of electronic devices and doing any physical activity, as long as he avoids aggressions on the device.

Medical examinations prohibited

Some exams and medical procedures can cause interference in the pacemaker functioning, such as magnetic resonance, radiofrequency ablation, radiotherapy, lithotripsy and electro-anatomical mapping.

In addition, some instruments are also contraindicated for these patients, such as the electric scalpel and defibrillator, and family members and health professionals should be advised of the pacemaker, so that the device is deactivated before any procedure that may cause interference.

First month after surgery

The first month after pacemaker surgery is the period when physical activity, driving and making efforts such as jumping, carrying babies on your lap and lifting or pushing heavy objects should be avoided.

The recovery time and frequency of return visits should be indicated by the surgeon and the cardiologist, as it varies according to the age, the general health of the patient and the type of pacemaker used, but usually the review is done every 6 months.

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Know what care should be taken with the pacemaker