Home Bulls Plastic to remove scar: how it is done, recovery and who can do it

Plastic to remove scar: how it is done, recovery and who can do it


Plastic surgery to correct a scar aims to repair changes in the healing of a wound in any part of the body, through a cut, burn or previous surgery, such as a cesarean section or appendectomy, for example.

The purpose of this surgery is to correct skin defects, such as irregularities in texture, size or color, providing a more uniform skin, and is only performed on more severe scars or when other types of aesthetic treatments do not work, such as using silicone plates, radiotherapy or pulsed light, for example. Find out what scar treatment options are before surgery.

The price of surgery for scar correction varies between about R $ 2 thousand and R $ 5 thousand reais, and in Europe it costs between 500 and 2000 Euros. However, the value is very variable according to the technique used and the medical team that performs the procedure, and the responsible team should be contacted for more information.

How is the surgery done

The procedure performed to remove the scar depends on the type, size, location and severity of the scar, and is chosen by the plastic surgeon according to the needs and the tendency of healing of each person, being able to use techniques that use cuts, removal or reorientation of parts of the affected skin.

Types of surgery

  • Z-plasty: it is the most popular for revision of scars; Z-plasty: when the adjacent skin on one side of the scar is elastic and the other is not; Z-plasty in four flaps (Limberg flap): it is particularly interesting for the release of severe scarring contractures that tie or restrict normal flexion or in or in burns; Z-plasmetric plastia: it is indicated for flat areas, and the z-plasty triangle is placed as a graft; S-plastia: for the treatment of contracted oval scars; W-plasty: to improve irregular linear scars; broken geometric lines: to convert a long linear scar into an irregular scar at random to be less visible; VY and VY type advancement: in cases of small contracted scars and filling: For retracted and sunken scars that require filling with fat or hyaluronic acid; Dermabrasion: It is the oldest technique and can be done manually or with m machine.

To perform the surgical procedure, the doctor may order some preoperative blood tests. As with any surgery, an 8-hour fast is advised, and the type of anesthesia performed depends on the procedure that will be performed, and it can be local, with mild or general sedation.

In some cases, a single procedure is sufficient to guarantee satisfactory results, however, in more complicated cases, repetition or new treatments may be recommended.

How is recovery

After the surgery, swelling and redness of the site can be noticed, so the result of the procedure begins to be seen only after a few weeks, and the total healing can take months and even 1 year to complete. In the recovery period, it is recommended:

  • Avoid intense physical activities; Do not expose yourself excessively to the sun for 30 days; Never forget to use sunscreen, even after complete healing;

In addition, to assist in optimal healing after this surgery, preventing the scar from becoming ugly again, the doctor may recommend doing other topical treatments such as applying silicone plates, applying healing ointments or making compressive dressings, for example. Find out what are the main recommended care after any plastic surgery to facilitate recovery.

Who can do the surgery

Scar correction surgery is indicated by the plastic surgeon in situations of defects in scar formation, which can be:

  1. Keloid, which is a hardened scar, growing above normal due to a large production of collagen, and it may be itchy and red; Hypertrophic scar, which is also a thickened scar, due to the disorder of collagen fibers, which may be darker or lighter than the surrounding skin; Scarred or contracted, causes an approximation of the surrounding skin, very common in cesarean sections, abdominoplasty or due to a burn, making it difficult to move the skin and nearby joints; An enlarged scar, it is a shallow and loose scar, with a lower surface than the skin; Discromic scar, which causes a change in the color of the skin, which may be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin; Atrophic scar, in which the scar is deeper than the relief of the surrounding skin, very common in wounds and acne scars.

The aim of the surgery is to improve the appearance and make the skin uniform, not always guaranteeing the complete erasure of the scar, and the results may vary according to the skin of each person.

Other scar treatment options

Other possible treatments, which are recommended as the first choice before surgery, are:

1. Aesthetic treatment

There are several techniques, such as chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, use of laser, radiofrequency, ultrasound or carboxitherapy, which are very useful to improve the appearance of lighter scars, such as pimples, or to uniform the skin color.

These treatments can be done by the plastic surgeon or dermatologist in milder situations, however, in cases of larger scars and difficult treatment, they may not be effective, and other treatments or surgery should be chosen. See, in more detail, some of these aesthetic treatment options to improve the appearance of the scar.

2. Treatment with tapes and ointments

It is done with the placement of silicone plates, tapes or compressive dressings, indicated by the dermatologist or plastic surgeon, which can be used for weeks up to months. Massages with special products can also be guided, which help to reduce thickening, fibrosis or change the color of the scar.

3. Injectable treatment

To improve the appearance of depressed or atrophic scars, substances such as hyaluronic acid or polymethylmethacrylate can be injected under the scar to fill the skin and make it smoother. The effect of this treatment can be more temporary or lasting, depending on the type of material used and the condition of the scar.

In hypertrophic scars, corticosteroids can be injected to reduce the formation of collagen, reducing the size and thickening of the scar.

Plastic to remove scar: how it is done, recovery and who can do it