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6 Causes of blindness and what to do to avoid


Glaucoma, infections during pregnancy and cataracts are the main causes of blindness, however they can be avoided through regular eye exams and, in the case of infections, early diagnosis and treatment, as well as monitoring of pregnant women who have some type of infection that can be transmitted to the baby, for example.

Blindness is defined as the total or partial loss of vision in which the person is unable to see or define objects, which can be identified after birth or develop throughout life, and it is important to carry out eye consultations on a regular basis.

Main causes of blindness

1. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease characterized by a progressive increase in pressure inside the eye, causing the death of optic nerve cells and resulting in pain in the eye, blurred vision, headache, nausea, vomiting, progressive loss of vision and, when left untreated., blindness.

Despite being a disease normally associated with aging, glaucoma can also be identified at birth, although it is rare. Congenital glaucoma happens due to increased pressure in the eye due to the accumulation of fluid and can be diagnosed in the eye test that is performed after birth.

What to do to avoid: To avoid glaucoma, it is important that routine ophthalmic examinations are performed, as it is possible to check the pressure of the eye and, if altered, the doctor can indicate treatments to reduce the pressure and prevent the development of glaucoma, such as eye drops, medications or surgical treatment, for example, depending on the degree of impaired vision. Know the tests performed to diagnose glaucoma.

2. Cataract

Cataracts are a vision problem that happens due to the aging of the lens of the eye, causing blurred vision, altered color vision, increased sensitivity to light and progressive loss of vision, which can result in blindness. Cataracts can be a consequence of the use of medications, blows to the eye, aging and malformation of the lens during the baby's development, this being known as congenital cataracts. Learn more about cataracts.

What to do to avoid: In the case of congenital cataracts, there are no preventive measures, since the baby is born with changes in the development of the lens, however it is possible that the diagnosis is made soon after birth through the eye test. In the case of cataracts due to the use of medication or age, for example, it is possible that cataracts are corrected through surgery when diagnosed during routine eye exams.

3. Diabetes

One of the complications of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy, which occurs when blood glucose is not properly controlled, resulting in constant high concentrations of glucose in the blood, which causes changes in the retina and ocular blood vessels.

Thus, as a consequence of decompensated diabetes, ocular changes may appear, such as the appearance of black spots or spots in the vision, difficulty seeing colors, blurred vision and, when not identified and treated, blindness. Understand why diabetes can cause blindness.

What to do to avoid: In these cases it is important that the treatment for diabetes is done as directed by the doctor, because this way the blood glucose levels are controlled and the chances of complications decrease. In addition, it is important that regular consultations are made with the ophthalmologist so that possible changes in vision can be identified.

4. Degeneration of the retina

Retinal degeneration is a disease in which there is damage and retinal wear, which causes progressive loss of vision and is usually related to age, being more common in people over 50 who have a family history, nutritional deficiencies or smoke frequently.

What to do to avoid: As retinal degeneration has no cure, it is important that risk factors are avoided, so it is recommended to have a healthy and balanced diet and exercise regularly, not to be exposed to light for a long time. ultraviolet and avoid smoking, for example.

If there is a diagnosis of retinal degeneration, the doctor may recommend treatments according to the degree of vision impairment, and surgery or use of oral or intraocular medications may be indicated. Find out how the treatment for retinal degeneration is done.

5. Infections

Infections are usually related to cases of congenital blindness and it happens because during pregnancy the mother had contact with some infectious agent and the treatment was not performed, was performed ineffectively or there was no response to treatment, for example.

Some of the most common infections to happen and result in congenital blindness are syphilis, toxoplasmosis and rubella, in which the microorganism responsible for the infection can pass on to the baby and result in various consequences for the baby, including blindness.

What to do to avoid: In order to avoid infections and, consequently, blindness, it is important that the woman has the vaccines up to date and perform the prenatal exams, as this way it is possible that diseases are identified right at the initial stage of the disease, increasing the chances of a cure. In addition, if diseases are identified during pregnancy, it is important that the treatment is done according to the doctor's guidance, avoiding complications for both the mother and the baby. Know the prenatal exams.

6. Retinoblastoma

Retinoblastoma is a type of cancer that can arise in one or the eyes of the baby and is characterized by overgrowth of the retina, which can cause a white reflex to appear in the center of the eye and difficulty seeing. Retinoblastoma is a genetic and hereditary disease, that is, it is passed from parents to their children and is identified in the eye test, which is a test performed one week after birth to detect any sign of changes in vision.

What to do to avoid: As it is a genetic disease, there are no preventive measures, however it is important that the diagnosis is made soon after birth so that it can be treated and the baby does not have totally impaired vision. The treatment indicated by the ophthalmologist takes into account the degree of impaired vision. Understand how retinoblastoma is treated.

6 Causes of blindness and what to do to avoid